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When will Pitriksha start? Do shradh in this way to get blessings of fathers

2 min read

In Pitripaksha, ancestors are remembered and recited. These days, charity and worship are done for the peace of the ancestors planets, so that the grace of the ancestors remains on us. These days, due to Shraddha karma, the age of man increases and the ancestors bless the lineage.

Pitrupaksha will start from 1 September. Although ancestors are offered on the new moon day of every month, but the time of Pitru Paksha is completely dedicated to the fathers. The offering of ancestors in the Shraddh results in the attainment of virtuous fruit and blessings of the ancestors. Shraddha refers to reverence to the ancestors. In the scriptures, Shraddha has been considered very important for the peace of the ancestors. It is said that the offering of ancestors brings peace to their souls and they give the blessings of a happy life by being happy.

How to perform Pitra Shraddha?

Shraddh of fathers should be performed on their death date. Some special beliefs about Shraddha have also been told. For example, Father’s Shraddha is performed on Ashtami and Mother’s Shraddha is done on Navami day. If any member of the family has died prematurely, then their Shradh is done on Chaturdashi. Shradh of saints and ascetics should be performed on Dwadashi. Fathers who do not remember the death date, their shraadh should be performed on Amavasya. 

Method of mass donation

Pinddan, tarpan and Brahmin banquet are performed in Shraddh. In this, the bodies made by mixing rice, cow’s milk, ghee, sugar and honey are offered to the ancestors. Black sesame, barley, kusha i.e. green grass and white flowers are mixed in the water and offered in a ceremonial manner. After this, a Brahmin feast is made. It is said that in these days your ancestors can come to your door in any form, so no person coming home should be disrespected.

Benefits of Shraddh

In Pitrupaksha, charity is done in addition to recitation of ancestors and worship. These days, charity and worship are done for the peace of the planets, so that the grace of the ancestors remains on us. These days, due to Shraddha karma, the age of man increases and the ancestors bless the lineage. The wealth of the family increases. Pleased with the offerings made in Shraddha, ancestors bless their health, strength, credit, wealth and all happiness. There is no tribulation in the family of the revered shraddha.

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