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What is the meaning of Modi-Putin talks amid heavy tension between India and China?

2 min read

At a time when the whole world is fighting a big battle with the global epidemic of Kovid-19, India is leaving no stone unturned to deal with this pan-India and the manipulations of neighboring countries on its borders. is. 

India is getting along with the big and powerful countries of the world, engaged in a digital strike against China and its economic back-breaking strategy by besieging it on every front. In this episode, India’s visionary diplomatic strategy got another success on Thursday, when Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi and President of Russia Vladimir Putin had a long phone conversation with each other.

These leaders of two powerful countries of the world discussed mutual bilateral issues between India and Russia. The two leaders discussed the effective measures taken by the two countries to overcome the negative consequences of the Kovid-19 global pandemic and also discussed future strategies to tackle the global pandemic.

During the telephone conversation of the two leaders, it was agreed that the pace of bilateral contacts and consultations would be maintained, which would be very helpful in organizing the annual bilateral summit to be held in India later this year.

Prime Minister Modi said that he is eager to welcome President Putin to India for the bilateral summit. President Putin also thanked Prime Minister Modi for the phone call and reiterated his commitment to further strengthen the special and privileged strategic partnership between the two countries in all fields.

During this conversation, the Prime Minister also congratulated Putin for the success of the celebrations being celebrated on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the victory in World War II and the successful completion of the vote on constitutional amendments in Russia.

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