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Nepal is facing the brunt of proximity to China, this thing came out in the report

3 min read

China has a habit that it wants to take all the countries under its influence and Nepal is now suffering due to this.

Kathmandu: China has a habit that it wants to take all the countries under its influence and Nepal is now suffering due to this. According to a report by the Global Watch Analysis, according to ‘the increasing proximity of the Supreme Leaders of Beijing’s Nepal government has now raised serious doubts on the independent decision-making ability and autonomy of this country in the Himalayan region’.

The author of this report, Roland Jacquard, has explained in his article that China’s policy is to corrupt the leaders of a country, especially one which is not financially strong. He also explains in detail that the latest victim of China’s strategic expansionary policy is Nepal, which has completely reversed its foreign policy.

When the US imposed economic sanctions on Venezuela in January last year, China condemned it, when the Communist Party of Nepal (Nepal Communist Party) also issued a similar statement and called on America and their friends Condemned Venezuela against interfering in internal affairs. This was probably the first time that Kathmandu had issued a statement related to American policies in Latin America.

The human rights of Tibet’s refugees are getting worse
Another worrying and noteworthy trend has been seen in Nepal that the human rights of Tibet’s refugees living in Nepal are deteriorating. Nepal and Tibet share a large border with each other. Around 20,000 Tibetan refugees live in Nepal, many of whom came to Nepal when the Dalai Lama took refuge in India in 1959 after the Chinese occupation of Tibet.

Two human rights groups in the United Nations have submitted a report by the International Campaign for Tibet in Washington and the International Federation for Human Rights in Paris. According to him, those who are now coming to the new Tibetan asylum in Nepal are being threatened to deport China. Jacquard writes that now Tibetan refugees have been banned from holding elections to their associations or even celebrating the Dalai Lama’s birthday. Even if they organize a protest against the Chinese occupation of Tibet, the Nepalese authorities deal with it strictly.

15 lakh Nepalese rupees contract
The Chinese Embassy in Kathmandu is also playing a major role in creating Chinese influence. In order to prepare an army of Chinese loyalists inside Nepal, many kinds of greed, including jobs, money, are being given to the prominent people of Nepal. For example, the Chinese Embassy gave Rajan Bhattarai a contract of 1.5 million Nepali rupees for writing a research paper on Nepal-India relations. Rajan is a member of the Nepal Communist Party and is also an advisor to PM Oli in foreign affairs. This contract has been given to Rajan’s wife Geeta Gautam, while Rajan will keep an eye on the contract.

Rowland writes that this contract is a matter of double benefit for China, one, it has involved senior officials of the Government of Nepal in financial matters, secondly this research will develop more understanding about Nepal’s India policy ‘.

Bhattarai was appointed as Foreign Affairs Advisor to the Prime Minister of Nepal, Oli, in November 2018, it is not known whether China had any role in this appointment or not, but it is interesting that despite the posting in the office of PM, Bhattarai continuously The Chinese diplomat stationed in Kathmandu was in contact with Li YingQ.

Jacquard has written in his article that the PM of Nepal and the advisors posted in his office who also have financial dealings with the Chinese government. Its relationships raise serious doubts over the Nepalese government’s autonomy and independent ability to make decisions

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