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Narendra Modi @ 70, breaking the cycle of these 7 challenges is the biggest challenge!

4 min read

Modi Magic is getting challenged on the issue of economy, unemployment and jobs

The 70th birthday of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has traveled from zero to the summit in his life . Narendra Modi, who assumed the post of Prime Minister in 2014, has been in this position for six and a half years. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, known for his big and bold decisions, is currently surrounded by a circle of challenges.

1- Challenge to bring the economy back on track- The biggest challenge before Prime Minister Narendra Modi is to bring back the derailed economy once again. GDP has fallen inverted after the lockdown imposed to prevent corona infection. To bring back the tracked economy, many boosters were given by the government along with a corona relief package of 20 lakh crores but this did not affect the health of the market.

Today, the biggest challenge before the Modi government is to control the fiscal deficit. The country is almost in the grip of economic downturn in the Coronas. On the economic front, there is an atmosphere of fear in the country due to which the people have started raising questions on the Modi government along with the opposition. Demonetisation explains the biggest reason behind economic slowdown in financial matters. Presently, when the corona epidemic is continuously increasing, then in the coming days, going back on track to the economy in front of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is going to be a big challenge.

2. Crisis on unemployment and jobs – Declining economy and going to negative GDP have had a direct impact on people’s jobs. The lockdown has been the worst hit in the unorganized sector. According to an estimate, till now more than 15 crore people working in this sector have lost their jobs and still there is a threat to their jobs.

Due to the economic downturn, the second biggest challenge facing the Modi government at this time is to overcome the rising unemployment in the country and the job crisis of the people in the coronary period. The manufacturing sector has been completely ruined due to the lockdown, so far millions of people have lost their jobs in this sector. Along with this, a large number of jobs have been lost due to the decline in all major sectors including automobiles, textiles and the sword of the survivors is hanging.

3 – The challenge to deal with the corona epidemic  To save the country from the corona epidemic which is increasing day by day as the mouth of Sursa has become the biggest challenge before PM Modi. Now the number of corona infected patients in the country has crossed the figure of 51 lakhs. The increasing number of deaths and infections everyday has posed a new challenge to the Modi government, which is not an easy task to overcome. Providing health facilities to the people and providing proper treatment to them remains a challenge before the government.
4 – Settling the border dispute peacefully with China – The immediate biggest challenge before Prime Minister Narendra Modi is to settle the border dispute with China peacefully. Defense Minister Rajnath Singh has said in Parliament that this year the Chinese Army has tried to infiltrate the LAC twice and even now China is not deterring from its antics. Continually increasing military preparedness on both sides in eastern Ladakh before winter is indicating the seriousness of the situation.

Today China is challenging India from Ladakh to Arunachal Pradesh following its aggressive expansionist policy. In such a situation, the biggest challenge before Prime Minister Narendra Modi is to resolve the whole issue peacefully while protecting the sovereignty of the country.

Challenge of winning the state elections- In 2019, the BJP, which was elected to the power of the Center with a strong majority for the second time in the face of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, was then ousted from the power of Maharashtra and Jharkhand. After the defeat in two big states, now it is a big challenge for PM Modi to bring the party back on track. In such a situation when the assembly elections are to be held in big states like Bihar, West Bengal, then the expectations of the entire party have come back on PM Modi.6-Winning everyone’s trust with Sabka Saath-Sabka Vikas- With the slogan of Sabka Saath-Sabka Vikas and Sabka Vishwas, he has said in his first 2 speeches of his second term with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who reached the post of Prime Minister for the second time. That the first
goal of his government is Sabka Saath and Sabka Vikas . The PM assured the people that those who have not voted for them are also their own and the government’s goal is to move forward by taking everyone together without any discrimination.

The protests across the country about the Citizenship Amendment Act and the NRC have created a new challenge before the government. Today, maintaining the trust of all sections of the society has become the biggest challenge.

7 – The challenge of maintaining self-popularity – Narendra Modi, who became the Prime Minister in 2014, remains the most popular face of the undisputed country but now he is facing challenges from the employment and economy front. The biggest challenge before Prime Minister Narendra Modi is to maintain his popularity i.e. Modi Magic. Recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Mann Ki Baat program received more dislikes than like and his program was seen less on social media than before, has surprised the BJP strategists. Today, on the social media on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s birthday, to top-trend National Unemployed Day and National Unemployment Day is also telling that the road ahead is not going to be that easy.

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