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Dangerous poison in the packet sent to Donald Trump

1 min read

Law enforcement officials caught a suspected packet sent to US President Donald Trump earlier this week with deadly poison. Two tests were performed on Saturday to confirm the presence of ricin in the packet. All letters are trimmed and examined before arriving at the White House. A US law enforcement official told the American cable network that investigators are looking into the possibility that the package addressed to Trump came from Canada.

Ricin is a highly toxic substance extracted from castor beans that is used in terrorist attacks. It can be used as a powder, mist, tablet or acid. If one takes poison, it causes vomiting and internal bleeding of the stomach and intestines.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Secret Service are investigating the case. The FBI’s Washington Field Office said in a statement, “The FBI and our US Secret Service and US Postal Inspection Service partners are investigating a suspicious letter received at the US government’s mail facility. At this time, there is no threat to public safety is.” 

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