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Coronavirus vaccine: good news on corona vaccine, world’s largest trial started, learn latest updates

2 min read

The world’s largest trial began in order to make the corona virus vaccine. 30 thousand people have participated in this trial. Among the efforts that are being made to discover the corona vaccine around the world, the vaccine which is in the last phase includes the US. However, as of now there is no guarantee that this vaccine, created through the National Institute of Health and Moderna Inc., will truly protect the corona. Volunteers will also not be told whether they have been given the original vaccine or tested with a fake vaccine.

After two doses, scientists will study very closely that which group is more infected during their daily work, especially in areas where the virus has not been controlled yet and they are rapidly is spreading. 

In the US, Corona specialist Doctor Anthony Fauchi recently said, “Unfortunately there are too many infected people in America to know the answer.” Moderna says the vaccine was tested in Savannah, Georgia, one of more than seven dozen trial centers spread across the US.

Melissa Harting, a nurse working in Binghamton, New York, is also one of 30,000 volunteers. He said that he considered it his duty to help in this work. Harting said, ‘I’m very curious. It is very important for me to eliminate this virus, along with those who are at the forefront of the battle of Corona, who are at risk of virus infection. ‘ 

The final-stage test of the vaccine, created through Oxford University in China and Britain, began earlier this month in Brazil and other more affected countries, but it is necessary for any vaccine to be used in the US to be tested in the US itself Hua Ho and the trial scale in the US is also high. 

Every month a new research will be made public about the candidate going forward in search of the Kovid-19 Prevention Network Vaccine running from government funds. The purpose of the research that is being done on such a large scale is not just to know whether the vaccine is working or not, but also that every potential vaccine is safe or not and it also needs to be tested and from the same scale of research, scientists should Comparing the vaccine will help. 

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