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China sold its best fighter ship to Pakistan, relations between the two countries are deepening

2 min read

China has launched a fighter ship for Pakistan on Sunday. It is the largest fighter ship ever sold by China. This is the first warship to be sent to Pakistan, besides China will send three more warships to Pakistan.

Pakistani local media say the Type 054A / P is a guided missile freegate, the largest fighter ship China has ever sold to a foreign military. Chinese media has reported that this fighter ship will double the combat capability of the Pakistani Navy. 

Four fighter ships will send Pakistan to China It is
expected that by 2021 three more such fighter ships will be sent to Pakistan. A launch was held at the Shanghai-owned Hadong Zhonghua Shipyard in China, which included large naval officers. The shipyard is a company of the largest builder in the country, China State Shipbuilding Corporation. The launch came after a discussion by Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi in which he spoke with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi about the Indian Kashmir region.

President Xi Jinping has also described Pakistan as a “good brother” and a “good partner” in a recorded message from Pakistani President Arif Alvi after a meeting. India is constantly battling both Pakistan and China over the border dispute and hence India is keeping a close watch on both its neighbors. 

The highlight of the fighter ship
local news website reported, “It is worth noting that Pakistan has purchased 054A / P as the successor to the F-22P frigate and based on the F-22P frigate, the 053H3 frigate.” This is an export model developed by China. China 054A is working hard to promote freight to the international market. “

Experts believe that the 054A model is the best freegate of the Chinese Navy. This fighter aircraft has a displacement of 4 thousand tons of metric and it has the facility of good radar and mixers. The Type 054A is a multi-role frigate, this fighter ship is seen as the backbone of the Chinese Navy. Cao Weidong, a senior researcher at the PLA’s Naval Military Studies Research Institute, told the newspaper that it appears that all the weapons and radars on the new ship will be made in China, reflecting our progress, technology, capability and confidence of the Pakistani Navy in the industry .

Deepening Sino-Pakistan Relations China-Pakistan
military relations have deepened in recent years. For example, China and Pakistan jointly created new versions of fighter aircraft developed with advanced combat capabilities, the first batch to be established by Islamabad in 2020. Aerospace Knowledge magazine said in a report in January that the JF-17 Block 3 aircraft was flown above Chengdu in southwest China’s Sichuan province. The single-engine, multi-role combat aircraft is jointly developed by Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) and Chengdu Aircraft Corporation of China.

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