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Article 370 – Temple complete, know what can be BJP’s biggest agenda now

5 min read

After 370 from the Ram Mandir and Jammu and Kashmir, many BJP’s ideological agenda is still left, which is yet to be implemented legally. There are many issues before the BJP, including the Civil Code, Population Control Act and NRC. Out of these, which issue will the Modi government do before and after which it will tell the time to come.

  • Common civil code is still on the BJP’s agenda
  • 370 to temple dream fulfilled in Modi government

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has laid the foundation stone for the construction of Ramjanmabhoomi temple in Ayodhya to fulfill the dream of hundreds of years old people and put the agenda of BJP to work. August 5, 2020 will be recognized as an unforgettable and historic day not only in the politics of the country but among Indian society. With the Ram temple, have all the dreams of the BJP come true or are there still some political goals left, which are yet to materialize?

Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru strengthened the Congress during the independence movement, which continued even after 1947 independence and the unilateral rule of the Congress was fully maintained. As a result, the Hindu Mahasabha and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh were unable to establish a place in Indian politics to realize their ideology. Since the time of the Jana Sangh, the removal of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir was included in the agenda, which was adopted by the BJP with its foundation.

Public support made up

However, the BJP was also well aware of the fact that power could not be controlled only with the help of 370. In such a situation, the BJP not only included the Ram temple issue related to the public sentiments in its agenda, but also started it as a movement, which also gave a tremendous political advantage. In the case of Shahbano, former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi overturned the Supreme Court’s decision on triple talaq and since then BJP has included it in its core agenda. Today, the BJP is in power with full majority by promoting these issues and implementing them.

Senior journalist KG Suresh says that the way BJP’s results in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections have reduced the dependence of the party on allies. The BJP has been able to pass the biggest bills in both houses of Parliament on its own. In the election, the public support of the Modi government for 5 years was given full support, which opened the way for the BJP to return to its original agenda. This is the reason why BJP is giving concrete shape to its ideological agenda.

Work towards fulfilling dreams

Let us tell you that the Narendra Modi government started taking steps towards realizing its dreams only after two months of taking over power for the second time. Deleting Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir, stripped it of the status of a special state and declared it a union territory. The BJP has been raising demands to abolish 370 since the era of the Jana Sangh. The Modi government showed the dream of Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, a mark, a legislation, a constitution.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made a formal start on August 5 by laying the foundation stone for the construction of Ram temple in Ayodhya. Ram temple in Ayodhya was also included in the BJP’s election manifesto from the 1989 Palampur session. In the 90s, the Ram Mandir movement gave life to the BJP, but this dream of the party and the Sangh came true in the Modi government. The constitutional bench of the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Ram temple at the disputed site in Ayodhya, after which the Modi government formed a trust for the construction of the Ram temple and has now laid the foundation for the temple construction. It is believed that before 2024 the grand Ram temple will be built.

Modi government not deterred by the decision

In its second term, the Modi government has made a law on triple talaq related to the Muslim community and declared a crime. Similarly, through the Citizenship Act, law was enacted to give citizenship of India to non-Muslims from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. There were a lot of protests across the country regarding CAA, but the Modi government did not bother with its decision.

KG Suresh says that after 370 from Ram Mandir and Jammu and Kashmir, there is still a lot of BJP’s ideological agenda left, which is yet to be implemented legally. All issues including Common Civil Code, Population Control Act and NRC are on BJP’s agenda.

In this, the issue of which Modi government will do before and after which will be their own priority, but the government has set a target to complete all these works in this period. The way the public stands in the decision of the Modi government, it proves that the government will not lose too much time in all these works, because the government has decided that if not now then never again.

Ram temple is not the only goal

At the same time, senior journalist Subhash Mishra says that the BJP’s dream is not fulfilled only by the construction of Ram temple. There are all those issues in the BJP’s agenda, which the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh considers a hindrance in establishing the roots of its ideology. Of these, the Ram temple is just as a symbol, but there should be a constitution for all in the country and it should also be compatible with the majority community. That means implementing the Uniform Civil Code will now be the next goal of the Modi government.

Subhash Mitra says that all the leaders associated with RSS and BJP’s organization started raising the talk of Kashi and Mathura even before the Bhoomi Pujan of Ram temple. Apart from this, from the Sangh chief to PM Modi, in addition to laying the foundation stone of Ram temple, the way new India is spoken. What kind of India it will be and what its nature will be is not mentioned. Will there be a new India based on the vision of the Sangh, if that is the case then there will be challenges before the Modi government to implement the target.

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