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US says it’ll preserve offering help to India in battle towards COVID

2 min read

The United States will proceed to offer a spread of help to India, as its “important partner” continues to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, the White House stated Monday.
President Joe Biden, who has introduced a USD 100 million price of COVID-19 help to India, is deeply engaged with the help program, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki instructed reporters at her each day information convention.
“The President is, of course, kept abreast of the COVID pandemic – how it’s impacting different regions in the world, including our important partners in India. And he has been deeply engaged as we’ve made determinations about the type of relief and assistance that we can and should provide,” Psaki stated.
Responding to a query on India’s COVID-19 scenario, Psaki stated the United States will proceed to work via the way it can present help to its vital associate throughout this tough time.

“We expect our assistance to be about USD 100 million. We’ve sent seven air shipments funded by the US Agency for International Development to India. The seventh flight, carrying additional oxygen concentrators via commercial shipping center, arrived today, and that obviously is critical for a number of the patients who have already been – are already battling COVID,” she stated.

“We will continue to provide a range of assistance. We will remain in touch about what the direct needs are on the ground, and hope that we can play a constructive role in reducing the numbers and bringing some relief to the people of India,” Psaki stated.