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‘Ukraine looks at India for post-war rebuilding’

2 min read

Express News Service

NEW DELHI:  While India has avoided siding with the West in criticising Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, New Delhi has reached out to Ukraine with humanitarian support. The nation now desires India to assist its reconstruction efforts after the warfare ends.  

“We have been at the receiving end due to loss of life and property, but have given the Russians a tough fight dispelling their presumption that they would win in a matter of days.  But, post-war, we will bank on our friends like India to come forward and help us rebuild our nation and also become our guarantor,” Ukraine’s Ambassador to India Igor Polikha advised TNIE.

India has huge expertise in creating infrastructure and Ukraine is hoping that it’ll associate with them in reconstruction as soon as the warfare will get over. “We are thankful to India for extending humanitarian support to us. Around 240 tonnes of humanitarian support came from India, mainly medicines,” Polikha added.

There are many Indian pharma corporations in Europe they usually collectively got here out in assist of the war-ravaged Ukraine. Around $8 million of extra assist was collected and despatched to Ukraine by them.
The envoy mentioned his nation understands India resolution of not going all-out in criticising Russia.

“India stopped short of naming those responsible for the massacre at Bucha and sought an independent probe. However, the Ukrainians are happy that former Supreme Court Justice Dalveer Bhandari (one of the 15 sitting judges of the UN Court) voted against Russia,” Polikha added.

Ukraine is hopeful that nations like India will put strain on Russia to finish the continued battle.