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Twitterati trolls Akhilesh Yadav over his mushy Hindutva transfer

1 min read

New Delhi: Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav on Friday visited two vital non secular centres — the Shri Kamta Nath Temple and the Kamadgiri Temple to get on the political pitch of sentimental Hindutva.
Akhilesh shared some photos from his go to to the temples and now it has come out that he made a number of errors whereas writing into the customer’s ebook of the temple.
— Akhilesh Yadav (@yadavakhilesh) January 8, 2021

Actually, Yadav was writing his suggestions in English when saint Madangopal requested him to make use of Hindi as a substitute of English, and never solely this, Yadav additionally forgot to do parikrama and earlier than this he made a number of errors in the course of the prayer ceremony in Hanuman temple.
With these errors now social media is trolling Akhilesh Yadav over his mushy Hindutva and a few are evaluating him with Rahul Gandhi for leisure.

राहुल गांधी देश के बाहर हैं तो मनोरंजन की जिम्मेदारी उत्तर प्रदेश के पप्पू नें ले ली है।
एक वो थे जो मोबाइल में देखकर विजिटर बुक में मैसेज लिखते थे, ये अंग्रेजी में लिख रहे हैं।
जिनका जीवन अजान-इफ्तार में बीता हो वो कभी शंख क्या बजा पाएंगे, हनुमान जी ऐसे ढोंगियों को समझते हैं।
— Prashant Patel Umrao (@ippatel) January 9, 2021

हनुमान जी “रामसेवक” हैं, वे राम के अपराधियों की अंग्रेजी, हिन्दी, संस्कृत; किसी भी भाषा से ‘इम्प्रेस’ नहीं होंगे। अखिलेश जी कितना ही उछल लें अब, “घण्टा नहीं बजेगा”@shalabhmani @ippatel @DivyaSoti
— VikashPreetamSinha (@VikashPreetam) January 9, 2021