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PM – Turn off all the lights of the house for 9 minutes on April 5, burn candles, flashlights

1 min read

New Delhi, Prime Minister Narendra Modi issued a video message saying that the government, administration and people have made the lockdown successful. This is an example in the world. The whole world is taking inspiration from what we are doing. The Prime Minister said that the way you thanked everyone who fought against Corona on Sunday, March 22, it has also become an example for all countries. Today many countries are repeating this.

Mr. Modi said that the nationwide lockdown during the Corona global epidemic is taking nine days today. During this time, the manner in which all of you have introduced discipline and service delivery is unprecedented. The administration and public have tried their best to handle this situation in a good way.

PM Shri Modi said, keep all the lights of the house closed for 9 minutes, light a candle, flashlight
 ‘It is definitely a time for lockdown, we are definitely in our homes, but none of us is alone. The collective power of 130 crore countrymen is with every person, by ending the darkness and uncertainty created by this corona crisis of every person, we have to move towards light and certainty. This dark corona crisis has to be defeated.