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PM Modi to meet 15 fund houses to seek foreign investments for India

1 min read

PM Narendra Modi will soon meet global fund houses who showed interest in investing in India, according to economic affairs secretary Tarun Bajaj. The government is also working along with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to get India included in global bond indices which would improve inflows to the bond market.

“Fund houses from all over the world are getting in touch with us and saying if you can provide us with some good assets which require patient capital and give not very high returns but stable returns,” said Bajaj during a virtual conference organised by the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII).

“That is another area we are looking at and the prime minister is soon, himself, going to meet about 15 leading (fund) houses from the world to have an interaction and to get their views,” he added. 

Bajaj added that pension funds from the US, Canada, Europe and Australia reached out to the government. The government is also looking to work closely with domestic insurance and pension funds to modify rules and regulations in order to attract more inflows for the infrastructure sector.