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PM Modi exclusive interview in The Economic Times today

1 min read

Read The Economic Times on Thursday, 29 October, 2020, for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s first interview after the Covid19 outbreak, where he defines the approach of ‘New India’ in a fast-shaping new pandemic world order. How pre-emptive strategies like the lockdown helped save many lives; how the economy is on the road to recovery and why he is still optimistic of achieving the target of $5 trillion economy by 2024.

The Prime Minister comes out strongly against his critics, says they just want to deny credit to the government. Far reaching reforms in agriculture and labour, he says, are a big signal to global investors. He also explains in the interview why the new labour codes are a win-win for both employer and employee. “It was often jokingly said that India had more labour laws than the labour in formal sector. Labour laws often helped everyone except the labour,” says the PM while making a pitch for India to become a global manufacturing hub. When asked on replacing China in the global supply chain, he said: “Our effort is not to becoming some country’s alternative, but to become a country which offers unique opportunities.”