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Parliament panel seeks govt, EC views on regional commissioners for 2024 LS polls

2 min read


NEW DELHI: Asserting that the Election Commission (EC) ought to have optimum manpower, a parliamentary committee has sought views of the federal government and the ballot panel on appointing regional commissioners to assist the EC within the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.

There is a provision within the Constitution to nominate regional commissioners to help the EC in numerous elections.

During the primary Lok Sabha elections in 1951, regional commissioners had been appointed for six months in Bombay and Patna. After that, there was no such deployment.

In its report on Demands for Grants (2022-23) for the legislative division within the Union regulation ministry, the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Law and Personnel mentioned that it has taken word of constitutional provisions and likewise the submission by the EC stating regional commissioners could also be appointed by the President of India, if required.

However, after the primary common elections, they weren’t appointed, the committee noticed.

“The committee is of the view that ECI should have optimal level of manpower as per its requirements and accordingly, recommends the Legislative Department/Election Commission of India to submit its views on the appointment of regional commissioner/s for the forthcoming general elections to the Lok Sabha in the year 2024,” the committee headed by Sushil Modi mentioned.

The legislative division is the nodal company within the authorities to take care of points regarding the EC. The report was tabled in Parliament final week within the ongoing Budget session. Article 324 of the Constitution offers with the Election Commission, and one in all its provisions refers to regional commissioners.

According to Article 324(4), “before each general election to the House of the People and to the Legislative Assembly of each State, and before the first general election and thereafter before each biennial election to the Legislative Council of each State having such Council, the President may also appoint after consultation with the Election Commission such Regional Commissioners as he may consider necessary to assist the Election Commission in the performance of the functions conferred on the Commission.”

The ballot panel secretariat right here depends on its chief electoral officers in each state to assist it maintain free, honest and peaceable polls. The chief electoral officers are sometimes referred to as the “limbs” of the EC.