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Oxygen Express prepare carrying 3 tankers of liquid medical oxygen reaches UP

1 min read

An Oxygen Express prepare carrying three tankers of liquid medical oxygen arrived in Uttar Pradesh on Saturday morning because the state battles a surge in coronavirus circumstances.
In view of the excessive demand for oxygen within the nation following a document spike in coronavirus circumstances, the railways has determined to run ‘Oxygen Express’ trains to move liquid medical oxygen and oxygen cylinders throughout the nation.
Roll-on-roll-off vehicles are being transported on flat wagons by the trains for fast provide of medical oxygen.
“Two trucks of medical oxygen arrived in Lucknow around 6.30 am while one truck was offloaded in Varanasi. Each truck has a capacity of containing 15,000 litres of medical oxygen,” Additional Chief Secretary (Home) Awanish Kumar Awasthi instructed PTI.

He stated each the vehicles could also be used for Lucknow and a choice shall be taken quickly.
The prepare arrived from Bokaro in Jharkhand.

“The arrival of two trucks of medical oxygen will meet around half the demand of Lucknow for Saturday. The state capital will now be in a better position,” Awasthi stated.
Uttar Pradesh Health Minister Jai Pratap Singh instructed PTI, “The arrival of Oxygen Express will significantly ease the current situation in the state.”
The railways on Wednesday had stated it should run its second Oxygen Express to Uttar Pradesh after a request was acquired from the state authorities.