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J&Ok: Vaccination rollout for 18-45 age group to be delayed

2 min read

THE JAMMU and Kashmir administration on Friday mentioned the Covid-19 inoculation drive for the 18-45 age group is not going to take off on May 1, till vaccine provide is established within the UT.
In a press convention late Thursday, Baseer Khan, adviser to J&Ok LG Manoj Sinha, mentioned J&Ok had positioned an order for 1.24 crore vaccines, among the many highest within the nation. “Our orders are higher than even Uttar Pradesh,” he mentioned.
In an announcement on Friday, the UT administration mentioned: “Vaccination will not be walk-in but only through pre-registration of slots. No slots have been opened for booking a session. Please wait for the announcement of the vaccination start date for the 18-45 age group.” The date for the vaccinations for this group will probably be introduced later, the UT administration mentioned.
Director General Family Welfare, MCH and Immunisation, Dr Saleem-ur-Rehman instructed The Indian Express that inoculation for this age group will start in a phased method after Sunday. The 18-44 age group contains about 43 per cent of J&Ok’s inhabitants.
While vaccinations for these aged above 45 will proceed, a number of areas throughout the UT reported shortages of vaccines on Thursday. Dr Rehman mentioned 80 per cent of the UT’s heathcare staff, 79 per cent Front Line Workers and 48 per cent of the UT’s inhabitants above 45 years of age had been vaccinated within the final 28 days.

At current, J&Ok is getting over 1 lakh vaccines each alternate day, based on the administration, “some days it is two lakhs also” relying on availability. The DG mentioned, “J&K was one of the first to approach Serum Institute for vaccines and we are also a priority state for the Government of India, so supply will not be an issue.”
Divisional Commissioner (Kashmir) Ok Pandurang Pole mentioned the UT presently has about 1,600 oxygen beds within the 20 hospitals of the province and this will probably be enhanced to 2,500 within the subsequent 5 days. He mentioned there are about 111 ventilator beds accessible within the valley and demanding manpower can also be being employed.