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Excise duty on petrol and diesel raised by Modi-Shah government in 6 years should be withdrawn to Rs 23.78 and Rs 28.37 respectively : Randeep Singh Surjewala

2 min read

Today 300 million people of India are fighting the corona epidemic. The poor, migrant laborers, shopkeepers, farmers, small and medium businessmen and large number of unemployed people are struggling for life in the face of this difficult economic recession and epidemic, but in spite of all this the anti-people BJP government everyday diesels and petrol. In the world, increasing the prices is putting the burden on profitability and extortion. In the last 8 days, petrol and diesel prices have been increased by Rs 4.52 and Rs 4.64 per liter respectively, while crude oil prices are very low.
It is a matter of record that when the Modi government came to power in May 204, the excise duty on petrol and diesel was only Rs 9.20 per liter and Rs 3.46 per liter, of which 23.78 per liter on petrol and Rs 28.37 per liter on diesel in the last 6 years. The liter increase has been made by the BJP government, which is 258 and 820 percent higher than the UPA respectively. Between the period of 6 years from the year 204-5 to 209-20, the central BJP government increased taxes on petrol and diesel 2 times and
7,80,056 crore recovered from public in 6 years. No government has any right to levy heavy tax on people in today’s difficult circumstances, when people are getting tough. Both the petrol and diesel would immediately fall below Rs 50 per liter if the Modi government, which had occupied power by promising cheaper petrol and diesel, withdrew the excise duty itself.
Significantly, on 26 May 204, when Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi took power, the oil companies of India were given crude oil.
08 US dollars per barat was getting, which makes Rs 6,330 per barrel according to the international price of the then dollar-rupee, which means oil was falling at the rate of around 40 rupees per liter. On June 2, 2020, the international price of crude oil was US $ 40 per barrel, which makes it 3038.64 rupees per dollar, which means the total cost is much less than Rs 20 per liter. If the prices of petrol-diesel and LPG gas are reduced in the same proportion, then their prices can be reduced by more than 50 percent.