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Covid-19 vaccination drive: Healthcare employees’ database to be frozen tomorrow

2 min read

The database of healthcare employees on the Centre’s CoWIN (Covid Vaccine Intelligence Work) app will likely be frozen on January 12 and that of frontline employees on January 25, the Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare mentioned.
The well being ministry has directed state well being departments to make sure all vaccine beneficiaries, together with healthcare and frontline employees are registered on the app. Follow Covid-19 Live Updates right here
“We have repeatedly communicated that only pre-registered beneficiaries on Co Win will receive Covid 19 vaccine,” mentioned Dr Mahesh Kumar Aggarwal, Additional Commissioner-UIP, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
That means those that don’t register earlier than the deadline will miss out on getting the jab within the preliminary part of the Centre’s Covid-19 vaccination drive
“After the database for healthcare workers and frontline workers is frozen as per the timeline addition of bene, no addition of beneficiaries on Co-Win will be permitted,” Dr Aggarwal added.
The nationwide vaccination of precedence teams will start January 16. In the preliminary part, precedence will likely be given to an estimated 3 crore healthcare employees and frontline employees.
Healthcare employees and frontline employees will likely be adopted by these above 50 years of age and people under-50 with co-morbidities — these quantity round 27 crore, the Health Ministry mentioned.
More than 79 lakh potential vaccine recipients have already been registered on the flagship Co-WIN IT platform, which is able to present real-time data of vaccine shares and can monitor particular person recipients.
According to operational pointers given to the states, the prioritization of teams will rely on the “disease incidence and prevailing pandemic situation.” Timing for the rollout in these three precedence teams will likely be guided by vaccine availability and received’t be “necessarily sequential,” the rules mentioned.
Every eligible particular person for Covid vaccination must be registered on Co-WIN and a mechanism has been created to mark out totally different precedence teams. The Centre has mentioned that the most recent electoral rolls for Lok Sabha and Legislative Assembly elections will likely be used to establish inhabitants aged 50 years or extra.