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Coronavirus vaccine to be offered freed from value to individuals in Delhi: Satyendar Jain

2 min read

Image Source : PTI Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain
Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain on Saturday mentioned that the coronavirus vaccine can be given freed from value to individuals. Satyendar Jain additional mentioned that the Delhi authorities has made preparations to vaccinate 1 lakh individuals in a day. The minister reviewed the dry run of the Covid vaccination course of on the Daryaganj dispensary. The dry run was organised at three locations which included GTB Hospital which falls below Delhi Government, Venkateshwara Hospital which is a non-public hospital, and Daryaganj dispensary. 
Speaking on the event, the minister mentioned, “This is not the trial run for the vaccine but of its vaccination process. Preparations have been done in Delhi for the roll-out of the vaccine, from storage to the application. 1000 centers will be set up. There are three types of centers-government hospitals, private hospitals, and dispensaries. The purpose of conducting the dry run at three different types of centers was to review the system set up in each. The system is flawless. The Delhi government is fully prepared to roll out the vaccine to 1 lakh people on a daily basis. Initially, it will be rolled out to healthcare and frontline workers, along-with people over the age of 50 or with co-morbidity. Almost 51 lakh people will be injected in the first phase. The vaccine will be provided free of cost to people in Delhi once it arrives”.

Responding to queries surrounding unwanted effects of the vaccine, Jain mentioned, “We have set up monitoring stations at all locations. 10 patients will be admitted at a time following all norms of social distancing. When the vaccination is applied, the person will be put under observation for 30 mins. Every center has been linked to a hospital. Most of them are hospitals themselves but the ones which are not have been duly linked. In case any patient shows any kind of discomfort, an emergency room has been set up. Along with this, the patient will be sent to nearby hospitals, if need be.”
“Delhi saw 585 cases yesterday. The positivity rate was 0.73% and is continuously on the decline. Very soon, the number of cases too will come under 500. Even after reducing the availability of beds, 10,500-11,000 beds are still vacant. Only 2000 beds are occupied at present. As far as the new strain is concerned, 40 cases have been traced and have been admitted to LNJP Hospital. Along with this, 4 private hospitals too, have been authorised. We are well aware and fully prepared to combat any situation,” remarked Jain on being requested concerning the present state of affairs of coronavirus in Delhi.
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