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Chinese PLA Continues Troop Build Up At LAC, Nearly 10,000 Positioned South Of Pangong Lake

1 min read

Accouring to the News reports, the Chinese have continued to bring forward more troops to the LAC in Ladakh over the past week. The present deployment strength has been pegged at 52,000 troops. Around 10,000 of these troops are positioned to the south of Pangong lake.

It is worthy to note that the Pangong Lake area has seen hectic military manoeuvres in the recent past, including Indian action to position troops on ridge-lines overlooking Chinese positions.

Defence sources told news agencies that the Chinese forces have been trying to alter the current situation that is advantage India in some places. Such attempts have so far been thwarted.

Further, it was reported this morning that, there were multiple incidents of firing by Chinese forces in the run up to the meeting between Indian and Chinese foreign ministers in Moscow.

As per defense journalist Shiv Aroor, the first shots were fired by China at the south bank of Pangong Tso lake on 29 and 31 August. This was followed by a similar action on second week of September. An exchange of fire also took place between the two armies.

On all occasions the firing was initiated by China to try prevent the Indian Army from ‘readjusting’ its positions along the LAC.