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Battling stereotypes, reforming criminals: Women jail officers present the best way

4 min read


NEW DELHI: Meet these girls jail officers who will not be solely combating a troublesome battle on the skilled entrance by coping with hardened criminals, but in addition going through societal stereotypes which take into account solely sure professions as ”respectable” for the fairer intercourse.

Ahead of International Women’s Day on March 8, PTI visited Tihar Central Jail No 6 and spoke to the ladies workers on what it means to be working and interesting with the prisoners.

According to the workers, they’ve needed to face a number of obstacles from discovering an honest match to delayed marriage, odd working hours, hostility by inmates, amongst others, as a part of the job.

They, nonetheless, assert that they work with the dedication to counsel inmates and interact them in actions, thus empowering them for a greater future.

Krishna Sharma (49), who had served within the Social Welfare Department of the Delhi authorities, at all times aspired to be in administrative companies.

In November 2021, when she obtained her switch order and was requested to affix as superintendent of ladies Central Jail No 6 in Tihar, she mentioned her colleagues tried to discourage her by saying that jail was not a spot to work and that it’s going to appeal to negativity.

Her husband’s encouraging phrases, nonetheless, helped her to take up the project.

“Since the first day of my work here, the first thing I do is to take a round of the jail, discuss the issues of inmates, talk to them in person and find solutions to their genuine problems. I discuss their problems with my staff and accordingly take quick decisions,” Krishna mentioned.

The official added that it had been over 4 months since she joined and there was no criticism to this point since all the problems are attended well timed, which helps in stopping the inmates from knocking at court docket’s door.

Like many staffers PTI spoke to, Krishna mentioned girls officers have extra endurance and can energy to deal with issues positively.

Recalling her childhood days, Raman Sharma, Deputy Superintendent, Tihar Central Jail No 6, mentioned each time she and her mom handed by the jail, her mom requested her to look away.

When she used to query her mom on this, she by no means obtained a passable reply.

Years later, Raman landed up at a ward of Tihar Central Jail as its assistant superintendent in 1996.

She is credited with bringing many reforms within the jail.

She mentioned when she joined, the jail had a small ward for ladies inmates, including that she urged the officers to arrange a separate Central Jail for Women and that’s how Jail No 6 was arrange solely for ladies inmates.

She additionally remembered how she pasted “No Smoking” posters outdoors the workplaces of senior officers, which was hailed a “bold” step at the moment.

The senior official mentioned she has additionally served in males’s prisons which she mentioned is a “different ball game altogether”.

“In males’s prisons, inmates battle over petty points and create ruckus. During these inner fights, in addition they abuse and create their very own teams.

So, our focus is on ending the battle, counsel the inmates and separate them from the alternative occasion.

“Even when a fight is over, the male inmates tend to act with revenge later. So it is important that we keep both the sides away and engage them in activities or spiritual classes,” she mentioned.

Recalling about one such incident, Raman mentioned one of many convicts of Nirbhaya case would intentionally interact in petty fights with different inmates in order that his trial obtained prolonged.

She added that there have been situations when male inmates climb on bushes and refuse to return down, or once they inflict accidents on themselves and blame the jail workers.

Talking about coping with male inmates, Kiran, Deputy Superintendent, Central Jail No 6 at Tihar, mentioned, “Women officers win the belief of male prisoners as they handle their issues and attempt to resolve them with all genuineness.

“We need to be honest, build a positive image, handle things smoothly with transparency and ensure that no discrimination takes place…it then becomes easy to maintain peace and build a secure environment inside the prison premises,” she mentioned.

Director General (Delhi Prisons) Sandeep Goel additionally underlined the sincerity of ladies officers in coping with the prisoners, no matter their gender.

“We have two women jails — Central Jail No 6 in Tihar and Central Jail No 16 in Mandoli. Both the jails have all-women staff, including jail superintendents,” he mentioned.

Some girls staffers are additionally posted in males’s jails, particularly for frisking feminine guests and members of the family who come to satisfy their kin lodged within the prisons.

Senior girls officers are typically additionally posted in common duties in males’s jails.

They have been working very effectively in males’s jails as nicely, he mentioned.

“Actually, it is not about gender, it is about skills, and your determination and passion to work when it comes to dealing with the inmates, be it women or men,” Goel added.

Anita Dayal, Superintendent of Mandoli Jail No 16, mentioned sustaining work-life steadiness for ladies is at all times troublesome and all of the tougher when you find yourself in police or doing jail responsibility.

While the younger era prefers to have white-collar jobs, right here is 25-year-old Jyoti, who’s in-charge of library unit of Central Jail No 6 in Tihar.

“The image of jails portrayed in movies is completely different from what it is in real. It is like a reform centre where you have mentors and guides to bring you back to a normal life and deal with tough situations,” Jyoti added.