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John Lithgow to return as Trinity Killer in Dexter revival sequence

1 min read

By Express News Service
Actor John Lithgow is all set to make a comeback as Trinity Killer. The Emmy-winning actor will make a brief look in Showtime’s upcoming Dexter revival sequence. Lithgow appeared because the revered however feared Trinity Killer/Arthur Mitchell within the fourth season of the unique present – a task which garnered him 5 Emmy awards. Lithgow’s character was soundly got rid of by Dexter Morgan within the season finale episode titled The Getaway.

There aren’t any particulars accessible as to how the Trinity Killer will make a reentry on this 10-episode restricted sequence lead by Michael C Hall.Dexter initially ran for eight seasons and adopted the lifetime of the titular character, a serial killer who targets different serial killers whereas additionally working as a blood spatter skilled for the Miami Police Department.

The manufacturing of the restricted sequence revival of Dexter will start in 2021 with Clyde Phillips returning as sequence showrunner.  The revival sequence will likely be government produced by Clyde  Phillips, Michael C Hall, John Goldwyn, Sara Colleton, Bill Carraro and Scott Reynolds.