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Film, TV maker Joss Whedon faces Buffy actor abuse claims

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Prominent movie and TV creator Joss Whedon, who confronted a declare of abusive conduct on the set of Justice League, drew criticism Wednesday from actors who labored with him on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
The first and most direct allegations got here from Charisma Carpenter, who mentioned in a social media put up that Whedon has a “history of creating toxic and hostile work environments,” together with the one she skilled on “Buffy” and whereas she was pregnant.
Sarah Michelle Gellar, who starred because the title character on the 1997 to 2003 sequence, responded to Carpenter’s put up with a supportive if opaque on-line message of her personal.
“While I am proud to have my name associated with Buffy Summers, I don’t want to be forever associated with the name Joss Whedon,” Gellar wrote. She is concentrated on her household and the pandemic and deliberate no additional statements at the moment, she mentioned, including, “I stand with all survivors of abuse and am proud of them for speaking out.”

Representatives for Whedon didn’t instantly reply to a request for remark from the author, director and producer.
Among Carpenter’s allegations: During her being pregnant, Whedon known as her “fat,” joked about firing her and, at one level, known as her into a gathering throughout which he allegedly requested if she was “going to keep it,” apparently a reference to her being pregnant, and attacked her character and faith. She mentioned she was “unceremoniously fired” from the function of Cordelia the next season.
Michelle Trachtenberg, who performed Gellar’s sister, went on social media to thank Gellar. “I am brave enough now as a 35 year old woman….To repost this,” she wrote, and alluded to “his not appropriate behavior” she skilled as a teenage actor.
Amber Benson, who appeared as Tara on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, additionally responded to the allegations, saying in a put up that the present had a “toxic environment” that began “from the top.”
In her put up, Carpenter mentioned she was prompted to return ahead after actor Ray Fisher, who was in 2017’s Justice League because the character Cyborg, alleged final July that Whedon’s conduct towards the forged and crew was “abusive, unprofessional and unacceptable.”
Whedon, recognized for his writing and directing on the primary two Marvel Avengers motion pictures, was introduced in throughout post-production on Justice League. He oversaw intensive reshoots, modifying and visible results on the movie for director Zack Snyder, who had stepped apart after the dying of his daughter.
Fisher mentioned Whedon’s conduct was enabled by Geoff Johns and Jon Berg two producers on the movie who had been executives operating DC Films for Warner Bros. on the time. Berg left the studio in 2017.
Parent firm WarnerMedia launched investigations into the accusations, which concluded in December. The firm mentioned then that “remedial action” had been taken, however didn’t go into specifics.

Fisher has continued tweeting in regards to the matter, turning his focus to DC Films President Walter Hamada, who he accused of undermining the investigation and never taking his claims significantly. Last month his character Cyborg was faraway from showing within the upcoming Flash movie, which Carpenter mentioned was the final straw for her.
In its January assertion, WarnerMedia mentioned Fisher was supplied the possibility to return as Cyborg, however given his assertion “that he will not participate in any film associated with Mr. Hamada, our production is now moving on.”