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Raipur: Baiga women defeated Anemia due to Chief Minister’s Nutrition Campaign

2 min read

The pleasant impact of the Chief Minister’s Suktishan Abhiyan has started to be visible even among the tribes residing in remote forest areas. Taking advantage of the scheme, women of the remote Vananchal region of tribal-Baiga dominated Bodla development block of Kabirdham district have won the battle against serious diseases like anemia today. Parvati, Saroj, Lakshmi, and Priyankesh, who live in the village, adopted a balanced and nutritious diet full of protins, vitamins and fats to defeat anemia. These women are leaving a serious illness like anemia in just one month and are living a happy life between good health and healthy life today. The rural women say that they are living a happy and joyful life with the help of the Chief Minister Suktishan Abhiyan at the right time. The Chief Minister Sucharnishan Abhiyan helped us to defeat anemia by becoming a shield in our life.  

    On 2 October 2019, the Chief Minister’s Nutrition Campaign was launched by Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel to make Chhattisgarh free from malnutrition and anemia. The scheme aimed at freeing anemic women in the age group of 15 to 49 with children from malnutrition and anemia. The benefits of the campaign reached far-flung women and within just 14 months, the effect of the scheme started showing. Smt. Lakshmi Paneka, a serene anemic woman lodged in the village Chilfi Anganwadi center of Bodla development block, has defeated anemia by joining the nutrition campaign. In February, Mrs. Lakshmi Sevier was included in the anemic category. There was only 7 grams of hemoglobin in his blood. Similarly, the hemoglobin test of women was done in Minminiya Maidan of Bodla development block. During this time, three women of village Mandalatola, Kumari Holi Jharia (teenager girl), Parvati Jharia, Saroj Verma and Mrs. Priyankesh Manikpuri of village Khairbankhurd were found to be anemic. All of them had less than 8 grams of hemoglobin. In February 2020, when all the women were found to be anemic, their names were registered at the nearby Anganwadi center under the Chief Minister’s Nutrition Campaign and their nutritional care was taken care of and advised.