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FDI and innovation welcome, but country’s security is also important: Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad

1 min read

Union Information Technology and Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad has said that foreign direct investment (FDI) and innovation are welcome, but at the same time it is necessary to protect and protect the country. He said that the government is encouraging Indian innovation and is also very conscious about the security of the country.

Addressing the India Mobile Congress-2020 on Tuesday, Prasad said that in the challenging times of the Kovid-19 pandemic, the IT and communications sectors have registered growth of over seven per cent and also achieved the highest FDI. The minister said, we are not against foreign investment. We are also not against foreign innovative ideas. Everyone is welcome. 100 percent FDI is allowed through the automatic route. Foreign capital is welcome. Foreign innovation is also welcome, but at the same time we believe that the security of the country is the most important.

He emphasized that digital technologies should be secured so that the vested selfish elements or separatists do not misuse them. It is worth mentioning that in recent months, the government has banned many mobile apps like TicketTock and UC Browser, citing national security issues.

Prasad said that the government is trying to ensure that the creation of a fast-paced 4G network provides a conducive environment for the Indian mind, which will act as the leader of the 5G network.