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Congress-leftist-Islamist ecosystem goal Venkatesh Prasad over his tweet on Zubair

4 min read

A day after former cricketer Venkatesh Prasad known as out Mohammed Zubair for hate-mongering on social media, the Congress ecosystem and the close-knit nexus of leftists and Islamists threw their weight behind the Alt News co-founder.

Zubair, the supposed ‘fact-checker’ who has been caught spreading pretend information on a number of events on social media, had focused the ace cricketer over a deleted tweet on the mismanagement of World Cup 2023 ticket gross sales by the BCCI.

When Prasad known as out Zubair’s doubtful credentials on social media, Indian Youth Congress (IYC) President Srinivas BV claimed that the ex-cricketer had in some way descended into shame.

How our legends descend into shame 👇

— Srinivas BV (@srinivasiyc) September 10, 2023

Social media coordinator of Overseas Congress, Vijay Thottathil, alleged, “It’s heartbreaking to see your childhood heroes stoop so low ! Amir Zohal wicket still keeps flashing and one of the best moment of Indian cricket but to please masters people forget their dignity, self respect and credibility! In a flash hero to zero.”

It’s heartbreaking to see your childhood heroes stoop so low !

Amir Zohal wicket nonetheless retains flashing and the most effective second of Indian cricket however to please masters folks overlook their dignity, self respect and credibility!

In a flash hero to zero 😖

— Vijay Thottathil (@vijaythottathil) September 10, 2023

Congress supporter Tehnseen Poonawalla wrote, “Dear @venkateshprasad ,you are a hero to each one of us. The universe has given you abundance!
Pls live in gratitude, don’t be negative towards others, like you have been towards Zubair & celebrate everything you have! You are in a position of power – don’t target it’s NOT worth it.”

Dear @venkateshprasad ,you’re a hero to every one in every of us. The universe has given you abundance!
Pls reside in gratitude, do not be adverse in the direction of others, like you may have been in the direction of Zubair & have a good time all the things you may have! You are ready of energy – do not goal it is NOT value…

— Tehseen Poonawalla Official 🇮🇳 (@tehseenp) September 10, 2023

Propaganda artist, Satish Acharya, claimed, “I’ve been your fan for decades. And this language broke my heart, Venky sir.”

I’ve been your fan for many years. And this language broke my coronary heart, Venky sir. 😥

— Satish Acharya (@satishacharya) September 10, 2023

Radio jockey turned pretend information peddler, Sayema, claimed, “One by one, all the heroes fall. How disappointing! Look at your language. What sick mentality! Uncouth and disgraceful.”

One by one, all of the heroes fall. How disappointing! Look at your language. What sick mentality! Uncouth and disgraceful.

— Sayema (@_sayema) September 10, 2023

“An ex-cricketer is now a petty, hateful troll. A supporter of mass murderers, a sympathiser of lynch mobs, is talking about terrorists? You are a coward who doesn’t think twice before calling a Muslim a terrorist while rendering your tacit support to terrorists who kill every day,” alleged ‘journalist’ Zoya Rasul performed her perpetual sufferer card.

An ex cricketer is now a petty, hateful troll. A supporter of mass murderers, a sympathiser of lynch mobs, is speaking abt terrorists? You are a coward who does not assume twice earlier than calling a Muslim a terrorist whereas rendering your tacit help to terrorists who kill on a regular basis.

— Zoya Rasul (@zoyarasul) September 9, 2023

‘Journalist’ Anusha Ravi Sood, who tried to whitewash the disturbing Udupi washroom case, claimed that Venkatesh Prasad had stooped to low ranges for calling out hate monger Mohammed Zubair.

How low our childhood heroes fall…

— Anusha Ravi Sood (@anusharavi10) September 9, 2023
Clarification issued by Venkatesh Prasad

After the Congress social gathering leaders, and the left-Islamist ecosystem abused Venkatesh Prasad on X (previously Twitter), the ace cricketer issued a clarification.

“There are enough instances of this guy peddling his agenda, editing videos conveniently, working selectively and biasedly against a political party to make money. He is anything but a fact- checker. One doesn’t have to be blind to not see the reality in this. Regards,” he responded to Satish Acharya.

What language broke your coronary heart, Satish. There are sufficient cases of this man peddling his agenda, modifying movies conveniently, working selectively and biasedly in opposition to a political social gathering to earn money. He is something however a fact- checker. One doesn’t must be blind to not see…

— Venkatesh Prasad (@venkateshprasad) September 10, 2023

He additionally responded to Tehnseen Poonawalla and mentioned, “Please look at the context under which this self-proclaimed fact checker jumped the gun. Having already put si many lives in danger for his agenda peddling in the name of fact-checking, he hasn’t learned his lesson and unknowingly maybe you are ending up enabling him to carry on his agenda.”

Dear Tehseen, God has given me abundance and so has He given you.
Please take a look at the context beneath which this self-proclaimed reality checker jumped the gun. Having already put si many lives in peril for his agenda peddling within the title of fact-checking, he hasn’t realized his lesson…

— Venkatesh Prasad (@venkateshprasad) September 10, 2023

Prasad additional added, “Now show me an instance of agenda peddlers like this guy speaking against his paymasters. His irresponsibility and mischief has put lives in danger and for that he needs to be called out.”

It takes one corrupt, boastful man to remove the hardwork of an in any other case non-corrupt organisation and spoil the repute of a complete organisation & the influence isn’t simply micro however at a macro stage. This is true in each discipline, be it politics,sports activities, journalistm, company.

— Venkatesh Prasad (@venkateshprasad) September 10, 2023

The cricketer had additionally reposted the tweet, which was utilized by the likes of Mohammed Zubair and the Congress-leftist-Islamist ecosystem to focus on him.