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Rahul Gandhi assaults authorities over WHO Covid loss of life numbers 

1 min read


NEW DELHI: Congress chief Rahul Gandhi on Friday attacked the federal government over a WHO report which claimed that there have been 4.7 million Covid deaths in India, saying “science does not lie, Prime Minister Narendra Modi does”.

Gandhi additionally demanded that the federal government ought to help the households which have misplaced family members by giving them the mandated Rs 4 lakh compensation.

In a tweet, he stated, “47 lakh Indians died due to the Covid pandemic. NOT 4.8 lakh as claimed by the Govt. Science doesn’t LIE. Modi does”.

“Respect families who’ve lost loved ones. Support them with the mandated ?4 lakh compensation,” the previous Congress chief stated.

The WHO on Thursday said that 14.9 million (a million=10 lakhs) individuals have been killed both by COVID-19 instantly or because of the pandemic’s affect on well being methods and society.

According to the report, there have been 4.7 million Covid deaths in India, which is 10 occasions the official figures and virtually a 3rd of Covid deaths globally.

India strongly objected to the usage of mathematical fashions by the World Health Organization (WHO) for projecting extra mortality estimates linked to the coronavirus pandemic in view of the provision of genuine knowledge, saying validity and robustness of the fashions used and methodology of knowledge assortment are questionable.