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Police constable killed in gunfight with terrorists in Srinagar

1 min read


SRINAGAR: A constable was killed in a short shoot-out between police and terrorists within the Soura space of Srinagar on Tuesday, officers mentioned.

The terrorists fired on Constable Amir Hussain Lone of Kupwara at Balochipora within the Soura space throughout a cordon-and-search operation round 2.30 pm, they mentioned.

Hussain sustained vital bullet accidents and was rushed to a hospital, the place he died, a police official mentioned.

The space has been cordoned off, and the search is happening, the official mentioned.

“In a brief #shootout at #Soura area of #Srinagar City, SgCT Amir Hussain Lone R/O Kupwara got injured & attained #martyrdom. We pay rich #tributes to the #martyr & stand by his family at this critical juncture,” the Kashmir Zone Police mentioned in a tweet.

Earlier, a police official had mentioned {that a} constable named Imran was fired upon by terrorists through the search operation.