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Filmmaker David Ayer slams ‘Suicide Squad’ studio, saying the launched minimize ‘shouldn’t be my film’

2 min read

WASHINGTON: Hollywood filmmaker David Ayer, who directed the 2016 ‘Suicide Squad’, has taken his criticism of the launched model of his comedian ebook movie to a brand new stage. He has accused Warner Bros. of dramatically recutting his movie from his unique model.

In an extended tweet titled ‘My Turn’, Ayer wrote, “I put my life into Suicide Squad. I made something amazing. My cut is intricate and emotional journey with some bad people who are shit on and discarded (a theme that resonates in my soul). The studio cut is not my movie. Read that again.”

My flip…
— David Ayer (@DavidAyerMotion pictures) July 29, 2021

Explaining additional about his model of the movie, he continued, “My cut is not the 10 week director’s cut — it’s a fully mature edit by Lee Smith standing on the incredible work by John Gilroy. It’s all Steven Price’s brilliant score, with not a single radio song in the whole thing. It has traditional character arcs, amazing performances, a solid third-act resolution. A handful of people have seen it.”

With that being mentioned, Ayer added, “I never told my side of the story and never will … I’m old school like that. So I kept my mouth shut and took the tsunami of sometimes shocking personal criticism.”

The director concluded by saying he’s “so proud” of Gunn and “I support WB and am thrilled the franchise is getting the legs it needs … James’ brilliant work will be the miracles of miracles,” and that, “I will no longer speak publicly on the matter.”

According to The Hollywood Reporter, earlier than the discharge of ‘Suicide Squad’, Warner Bros. took the bizarre step of commissioning a number of cuts of the movie by a number of editors. Gilroy was credited on the theatrical model.

At the time, Warner Bros. issued an announcement admitting the movie had “a lot of experimentation and collaboration along the way” however mentioned, “we are very proud of the result … this is a David Ayer film.”

Since then, Warner Bros. underwent an intensive regime change throughout 2019 and 2020 that included Ann Sarnoff being named CEO of WarnerMedia. In wake of Zack Snyder attending to launch a director’s minimize of Justice League in March, some have requested for an Ayer Cut of ‘Suicide Squad’.

Yet the studio has shot down the concept, with Sarnoff telling Variety in March, “We won’t be developing David Ayer’s cut.” When the story was revealed, Ayer tweeted, “Why?”

The upcoming ‘Suicide Squad’ reboot by James Gunnm which is slated to come back out on August 6 has drawn early reward and comparisons to Ayer’s movie.