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Govt not contemplating to convey two-child coverage: MoS Health informs Lok Sabha

2 min read

Responding to a query whether or not the federal government was contemplating to convey a two-child coverage, Minister of State for Health Bharati Pravin Pawar on Friday knowledgeable the Lok Sabha that no such proposal was into account.
”No,” mentioned Pawar whereas responding to the query raised by BJP MP Uday Pratap Singh.

BJP MP Uday P Singh: Whether the Government proposes to convey a two baby coverage?
MoS Health Bharati P Pawar: No@IndianExpress #PopulationControlBill
— Harikishan Sharma (@harikishan1) July 23, 2021
“International experience shows that any coercion or diktat to have a certain number of children is counter-productive and leads to demographic distortions like sex-selective abortions, abandonment of the female child, and even female infanticide to intense son preference,” she mentioned within the written reply, including that every one this ultimately resulted in a skewed intercourse ratio.
This assumes significance as two BJP-ruled states—Uttar Pradesh and Assam—have proposed two-child insurance policies of their respective states.
Pawar added that states like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, and different states/UTs have succeeded in decreasing the fertility price by adopting a holistic strategy in direction of household planning with out resorting to any stringent inhabitants management measures.

Also, the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, Cairo, 1994, to which India is a signatory, unequivocally opposes coercion in household planning, Pawar mentioned.
The minister additionally said that the National Family Planning Programme (NFPP) carried out by the federal government, which gives voluntary and knowledgeable decisions to residents with none discrimination by means of a goal free strategy, is geared toward checking inhabitants development.

Various providers supplied underneath NFPP embody Mission Parivar Vikas, expanded contraceptive decisions, compensation scheme for sterilization acceptors, post-partum intrauterine contraceptive system incentive scheme, scheme for house supply of contraceptives by ASHAs, scheme for being pregnant testing kits within the drug kits of ASHA and household planning logistics administration info system.
With these initiatives, the whole fertility price has declined from 2.7 per cent in 2005-06 to 2.2 per cent in 2015-16, she added.