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More than 1 lakh 9 thousand Kovid-19 vaccine doses had been administered within the state yesterday

1 min read

On June 22, 1 lakh 9 thousand 353 folks got the dose of Kovid-19 vaccine within the state. For this, 2653 facilities had been arrange within the state. So far 78 lakh 14 thousand 481 whole doses have been administered within the state above 18 years of age.
According to the knowledge acquired from the Health Department, on June 22, 62857 folks within the age group of 18 years to 44 years got the primary dose and 6810 folks got the second dose. First dose was given to 6932 folks above 45 years of age and second dose to 8929 folks. As of right now, 18 lakh 40 thousand 130 whole doses of vaccine can be found within the state.