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Yogi Adityanath slams Rahul Gandhi for spreading faux information

2 min read

Yogi Adityanath has slammed former Congress president Rahul Gandhi for spreading faux information and trying to slander the Hindu neighborhood over a latest incidence of crime in Uttar Pradesh. ‘Liberals’ and Islamist apologists had been caught communalising a random crime with the intention to malign the slogan of ‘Jai Shri Ram’.
The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh instructed Rahul Gandhi, “The first lesson of Lord Shri Ram is – “Speak the truth” which you may have by no means performed in life.” He proceeded so as to add, “You should be ashamed that even after the police revealed the truth, you are spreading poison in society. You are shaming humanity in your greed of power. Stop humiliating and defaming the people of Uttar Pradesh.”
Source: Twitter
The admonishment by Yogi Adityanath got here after the Wayanad MP took to Twitter to share a screenshot of a information clipping to say that an aged Muslim man in Ghaziabad was crushed up for refusing to chant ‘Jai Shri Ram’. The declare, which was first shared by pro-Congress ‘fact-checker’ Alt News cofounder Mohammed Zubair was debunked by Ghaziabad Police late final evening.
The Ghaziabad Police had mentioned that the ‘victim’ Abdul Samad Saifi was allegedly crushed up by individuals recognized to him after an occult amulet he had ready for one in all them didn’t work as per them. Accused Parvesh Gujjar, Adil and Kallu had been arrested on Monday whereas efforts had been on to nab Arif and Poli.
The faith of a few of the accused had been sufficient to show that it was not a communal crime as ‘liberals’ and Islamist apologists on social media had alleged. However, hours after the crime ws debunked, Rahul Gandhi continued to hawk the fictional narrative.