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Meera Chopra Blames Lack of Medical Infrastructure And Not Covid-19 For Her Cousins Death

2 min read

Mumbai: Actor and Priyanka Chopra’s cousin Meera Chopra misplaced her two relations to Covid-19 within the final 10 days. She blames the shortage of medical infrastructure within the nation that took their life away, as a substitute of coronavirus. She shared, “I lost two very close cousins, not because of Covid-19 but because the medical infrastructure has totally crumbled down. My first cousin couldn’t get an ICU bed in Bengaluru for almost two days, and the second one died after his oxygen dropped suddenly.” Also Read – Will CBSE Promote Class 12 Students by Implementing Class 10 Assessment Plan? Final Decision On THIS Date She misplaced two cousins who had been of their early 40s and their passing has left a deep scar. She added, “It’s so sad and depressing that we couldn’t do anything to save them. I’m in a constant state of fear about what will happen next. Every life is just slipping out of our hands. You try till your utmost capacity, but still, you lose them”. At the second, Meera is feeling a way of ‘helplessness and uselessness’ and fears shedding ‘more closed ones’, one thing which she by no means skilled earlier than. She added, “The sense of anger is so high that for the first time I’m feeling that our country has gone to the dumps. We’re not supposed to arrange oxygen, injections and medicines, and beds in the hospital. The government is supposed to do that for us. But it has failed in saving the lives of their own people.” Also Read – This Twitter User ‘Predicted’ Coronavirus in 2013 & People Are Freaking Out | Check Out His Tweet She additional factors out that the lockdown was imposed final 12 months ‘to build medical infrastructure so we could deal with the pandemic. She feels ‘frustrated’ that nothing has been achieved, resulting in a crash medical infrastructure. She additional stated, “Pregnant women are dying after delivering because of lack of oxygen. What life are we giving to this newborn? The horrible stories I read on my Twitter feed. At times to keep my sanity, I feel I should be away from Twitter, but then I feel maybe I can help somebody by forwarding a message to a wider audience. I don’t even know what I’m feeling anymore. Two deaths in the last 10 days in the family have completely made me devoid of any hope, My doctors started my medications despite my reports showing negative as I had all the symptoms. And I’ve never felt the way I felt when I was sick throughout my life. I’m much better now.” Also Read – Does Black Fungus Affect Your Eyesight? Here’s What we Know

She concludes, “Viruses have this tendency to come back stronger. We need to wear masks all the time, to avoid crowds for a long time. It is really not a joke! We are seeing deaths all around us.”