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Covid Vaccine Thief Letter: Chor returns sorry lyrics, vials of vaccine, Kumar Vishwas taunts leaders on the pretext of viral letter

2 min read

Highlights: The thief returned the stolen corona vaccine from Jind’s hospital. The thief additionally wrote a letter of apology by placing the vials again on the tea store. Around two thousand vials of Kovid vaccine disappeared from the hospital in Jind, Haryana amidst chaos in your entire nation. The particular person stealing had no concept how essential the plastic bag he steals was. He apologized and returned the stolen vaccine vials to the tea store in entrance of the police station. With this, he wrote a letter which is changing into more and more viral on social media. The thief has written in it – ‘Sorry, I didn’t know Corona’s drugs.’ On the pretext of this letter of Chor, well-known poet Dr. Kumar Vishwas has focused politicians. By sharing this notice on his Twitter account, he has written – ‘Dear leaders of my nation, please learn it. In this time of nationwide catastrophe, even the thieves have some morality left. ‘ Many different celebrities, like Kumar Vishwas, have taken a dig at hoarders and profiteers. The stolen vials left within the chai store inform you that 1270 Kovishield and 440 Kovaxin doses have been stolen from Jind’s civil hospital. Police discovered two folks stealing in CCTV footage. The police have been investigating {that a} bike rider left the vaccine in a plastic bag on the tea store in entrance of the Civil Line police station. He additionally stored a letter with these vials. The thief had stolen the vaccine stored within the hospital’s freezer. In Jind, the thief returned the vials to the tea store, apologizing – ‘I did not know this can be a corona vaccine’. On the opposite hand, the corona is exhibiting its macabre kind. During this time, the demand for different important medicines, together with oxygen and ramdevir, has elevated manifold. People everywhere in the nation are being caught in hoarding of those medication. At a time when everyone seems to be fearful for his or her family members, these persons are not deterring from incomes income. Many sufferers have misplaced their lives because of the scarcity of those medicines. .