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LDF, UDF twins, responsible of seven lethal sins: PM Modi

3 min read

By Express News Service
PATHANAMTHITTA / T’PURAM: Unleashing a two-pronged assault towards the state’s main political combines, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Good Friday accused the LDF and the UDF of committing ‘seven deadly sins’. He listed out the sins as “false sense of pride and arrogance, greed for money, wrath towards people, jealousy towards each other, lust for power, dynasty politics and laziness in work”. Modi additionally referred to the fronts as twins by way of misgovernance, corruption, political violence, communalism, casteism, cronyism and nepotism. 

Addressing the NDA’s election rally in Konni — the epicentre of the Sabarimala agitation — Modi flayed the LDF authorities for its motion on Ayyappa devotees throughout the Sabarimala agitation.The Prime Minister, who started his speech by chanting ‘Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa’ 5 occasions, stated the BJP will thwart makes an attempt of the Left authorities to destabilise locations of worship.

“The devotees of Swami Ayyappa, who should have been greeted so warmly, were welcomed by LDF with lathis. The innocent devotees are not criminals. The LDF has done everything to portray Indian culture in poor light. Its lies would not go on any more. An imported and an internationally rejected ideology will no longer be allowed to trample over the culture of our land,” he stated.

“This is why Babasaheb Ambedkar questioned if Communism and free democracy can ever co-exist? Ambedkar said Communism is like a forest fire that will burn and consume everything,” he stated.Modi, who was on his second tour to the state for ballot campaigning, stated the LDF and UDF suppose they will by no means be defeated. This has made their leaders smug and disconnected from the roots. Listing out quite a few scams, the PM stated each alliances have looted from each sector. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi waving on the crowd throughout the NDA’s election rally on the Karyavattom Greenfield Stadium in Thiruvananthapuram on Friday | B P Deepu

‘Total hartal on governance’ in Kerala underneath LDF, says Modi

Modi stated each the fronts endure from “competitive corruption” and have shaped alliances with communal, prison and regressive parts of society. He additionally accused each fronts of inflicting ‘paralysis in governance’ throughout their rule within the state. Later, addressing an election rally in Thiruvananthapruam, Modi stated: “Since both fronts are twins, UDF lacks the ability and willingness to defeat LDF.” Modi stated there was a ‘total hartal on governance’ in Kerala underneath the LDF.  He additionally taunted the alliance between the Congress and the Left events in West Bengal. “Election after election, Congress and Left are getting nearer. 

“The logical step after such closeness is a full merger of Congress and Left. They can call the new party CCP — Comrade Congress Party,” Modi stated. Mounting an assault on Devaswom Minister Kadakampally Surendran, Modi stated the Minster who was supposed to assist temples was one of many masterminds behind showering of lathis on devotees in Sabariamla.  Modi stated the profession of a patriotic scientist like Nambi Narayanan was destroyed on account of factional politics of the Congress. 

On the opposite hand, Metroman E Sreedharan, who joined the BJP, was rising as an inspiration for a lot of professionals. Claiming that there was a surge of assist in favour of the NDA, Modi stated  the folks of the state wished NDA’s supply centric strategy and never the delay centric strategy of LDF and UDF.