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We regret…: Ukraine apologizes for Kali tweet, says nation respects Indian custom

2 min read

By India Today World Desk: Ukraine’s Deputy Foreign Minister Emine Dzhaparova on Tuesday issued an apology after the nation’s ministry of defence tweeted a picture of Goddess Kali. Emine Dzhaparova talked about Ukraine “regrets” the defence ministry’s depiction of goddess Kali in a “distorted manner” and that the European nation “respects unique Indian culture and highly appreciates support from India”.

We regret @DefenceU depicting #Hindu goddess #Kali in distorted technique. #Ukraine &its people respect distinctive #Indian custom&extraordinarily appreciate🇮🇳support.The depiction has already been eradicated.🇺ðŸ‡æis determined to extra improve cooperation in spirit of mutual respect&💪friendship.
— Emine Dzheppar (@EmineDzheppar) May 1, 2023

This comes a day after the tweet in question sparked outrage amongst netizens. Kanchan Gupta, senior advisor, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting often called the image “an assault on Hindu sentiments”. Gupta was among the many many many netizens who demanded an apology from Ukraine over the image.

The Ukraine defence ministry’s tweet, which has now been deleted, was captioned “Work of art” with an image of Goddess Kali superimposed over a blast fume.

ALSO READ | ‘Assault on Hindu sentiments’: Indians protest over Ukraine defence ministry’s Kali tweet

Many had slammed the Ukraine authorities, saying it is insulting a goddess extensively worshipped throughout the nation after trying to find help from India. The defence ministry’s tweet had come merely days after Emine Dzhaparova visited India. She was the first high-ranking Ukrainian official to go to India ever as a result of the Russia-Ukraine battle broke out in February, 2022.

Emine had met Union Minister Meenakshi Lekhi and handed her a letter from Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi trying to find India’s intervention throughout the Russia-Ukraine battle.

Edited By:

chingkheinganbi mayengbam

Published On:

May 2, 2023