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‘We are ready’: Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu visits troopers on the entrance line

3 min read

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Israel Defense Forces (IDF) troopers on the entrance line within the Gaza Strip and boosted the troops’ morale. Sharing visuals of the interplay with the IDF personnel, the Israeli PM asserted “We are all ready”.

Benjamin Netanyahu visited Israeli squaddies exterior the Gaza Strip on Saturday.

In the visuals shared on X, the Israeli management could possibly be heard telling them: “You ready for the next stage? The next stage is coming.”

Seemingly decided about Israel’s ‘Operation Iron Swords’ in retaliation to Hamas’ ‘Operation Al Aqsa Flood Battle’, the video confirmed the troopers nodding in response to his query whereas he shook fingers with them.

Benjamin Netanyahu meets IDF troopers exterior Gaza (Image: X)

Israel responded to the October 7 shock assaults by the Hamas Group with full-fledged floor and air navy offensives in Gaza. The bloody battle between the 2 sides has thus far claimed the lives of three,200 folks. Hours after Hamas terrorists fired a barrage of rockets in the direction of southern Israel final weekend, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared a “state of war” and vouched to retaliate with utmost power.

Since then, Gaza authorities have reported the deaths of over 1,900 Palestinians and the UN International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) spokesperson on Saturday mentioned that as many as 700 kids have been killed within the Gaza Strip because the battle broke out final weekend.

The Israel-Hamas conflict indicated potential escalation after Israeli forces dropped innumerous leaflets and flyers issuing a warning all through the Gaza Strip. The leaflets urged Gaza residents to evacuate the conflict zone “for their own safety” whereas the Hamas Group requested them to remain put. “The IDF minimizes harm to civilians in Gaza by dropping endless flyers urging them to leave harm’s way,” Israel Defense Force shared photos of leaflets that have been dropped onto Gaza on Friday by Israeli Air Force jets.

The warning was dropped on Gazans on Saturday, amounting to a disclaimer forward of a potential floor and air incursion by Israeli forces towards Hamas fighters. Over 400,000 Gazans evacuated to the southern a part of the strip because the Israeli military prepares for a floor incursion, the United Nations acknowledged on Sunday.

While tons of of 1000’s of Gaza residents have reportedly fled the battle zone, a number of governments condemned Israel’s warnings and deemed them unrealistic. The White House, earlier as we speak, referred to as it a “tall order” and the World Health Organization mentioned that compelled evacuation of severely ailing or badly injured folks from hospitals in northern Gaza would quantity to a “death sentence” for some.


The Israeli Prime Minister in his video handle to the nation vouched to crush Hamas and equated the armed group with ISIS. “We will eliminate Hamas, we will defeat Hamas. It will take time,” Benjamin Netanyahu mentioned.

The conflict having entered its Day 7, Netanyahu earlier as we speak mentioned that the enemies had simply “begun to pay the price”.

“But I won’t go into detail,” he mentioned whereas asserting that the IDF troopers had been preventing like “lions”.

Published On:

Oct 14, 2023