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US President-elect Joe Biden arrives at US Capitol for his inauguration

2 min read

New Delhi: US President-elect Joe Biden’s motorcade has arrived on the US Capitol forward of his inauguration because the forty sixth President of the nation.
CNN reported that the Congressional leaders are anticipated to greet him upon his entrance to the Capitol constructing. Vice President-elect Kamala Harris and her husband Doug Emhoff had been additionally seen climbing the steps of the US Capitol alongside Biden.
Harris can be escorted to the inauguration ceremony by Eugene Goodman, the Capitol Police officer who turned standard after he aided the resistance to rioters who stormed the Capitol two weeks in the past.
A Biden aide confirms to CNN that Goodman will escort Harris in his new position as appearing deputy House sergeant at arms. Biden is predicted to take the oath of workplace outdoors the constructing at 12 pm ET.

United States: Outgoing Vice President Mike Pence arrives on the US Capitol along with his spouse Karen Pence to attend the inauguration ceremony.
— ANI (@ANI) January 20, 2021

Former Presidents Barack Obama, George W Bush and Bill Clinton together with Michelle Obama, Laura Bush and Hillary Clinton have arrived on the inauguration as nicely. Vice President Mike Pence has additionally arrived on the Capitol for Biden’s inauguration.

#WATCH | US: Vice President-elect Kamala Harris and her husband Doug Emhoff greet attendees of the inauguration ceremony on the US Capitol.
— ANI (@ANI) January 20, 2021

Meanwhile, President Donald Trump is not going to be attending the ceremeony. He gave a farewell deal with earlier within the day earlier than boarding Air Force One and heading to Florida.
Following the ceremony, Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will go to the Arlington National Cemetery and also will obtain a army escort from fifteenth Street to the White House.
The escort will embrace the US Army Band, a Joint Service Honor Guard, and the Commander-in-Chief’s Guard and Fife and Drum Corps from the third US Infantry “The Old Guard.” (ANI)