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Pakistan overseas minister absolves Taliban from terrorist actions and violence

4 min read

Recently, in an interview with Afghanistan’s Tolo News, the outspoken Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi stirred up a hornet’s nest by absolving the Taliban, the Islamic extremist outfit originating in Afghanistan, from the violent offensives it has carried out towards the folks of Afghanistan and as a substitute accusing India and Afghanistan of “carrying out terrorist activities” within the nation.

Pakistan overseas minister offers a clear chit to Taliban
According to the excerpts of the interview posted on Tolo News’ official Twitter deal with, when the anchor, Lotfullah Najafizada questions Qureshi about the undeniable fact that the Taliban are chargeable for a sequence of bombings and focused assassinations of presidency officers, Qureshi tries to provide a clear chit to the extremist group by saying: “Who’s responsible for that? Again, if you try and create this impression that the violence is high because of Taliban…again, that would be an exaggeration. Why do I say that? Aren’t there other elements over there who are playing the role of a spoiler.”
When the journalist asks if not Taliban, who else is then chargeable for the violence and killings in Afghanistan, the Pakistan PM responds: “Daesh, like forces within Afghanistan… who gain from the war economy, who want to perpetuate their power, who are not seeing beyond their nose and just want to hang on to power.”
Qureshi insinuated that the present Afghan authorities is chargeable for the violence in Afghanistan.
It is vital to notice right here that in recent times, the strain between Afghanistan and Pakistan has elevated attributable to Pakistan’s continued help of the Taliban.
India makes use of “your [Afghan] soil against us”: Shah Mahmood Qureshi to Tolo News
While talking about India presence in Afghanistan, the Pakistan minister goes on to rehash the identical lie his authorities has persistently peddled.
Giving an especially ludicrous argument to again his declare, Qureshi opines that contemplating India doesn’t share borders with Afghanistan, its presence mustn’t have been as predominant as it’s now. India’s presence in Afghanistan is “larger than it ought to be as it does not share borders with Afghanistan.”
Pakistani FM Shah Mahmood Qureshi says the Indian presence in Afghanistan is bigger than it should be because it doesn’t share borders with Afghanistan. Watch the interview on TOLOnews, TOLO TV and at 9pm (Kabul time) on Saturday.— TOLOnews (@TOLOnews) June 17, 2021
Furthermore, requested what number of Indian consulates there are in Afghanistan, Qureshi replies: “Well, on paper, perhaps four.”
“No, I’m saying we feel that, at times, you don’t share a border with India. Obviously, you have sovereign relations and you have bilateral relations, and you have every right to have sovereign and bilateral relations with India. You have trade with India, they come and carry out development work there, that’s completely fine with us. But at times we feel that their presence is perhaps larger than it ought to be because they…don’t share a border with you,” argues Qureshi.
He provides that if India makes use of “your [Afghan] soil against us”, it bothers him at a private stage. To this, when the anchor questions the Pak Foreign Minister to throw mild on how India is utilizing Afghan soil for anti-Pakistan actions, he says: “Yes, they are…By carrying out terrorist activities.”
Pakistan overseas ministers says that if Afghanistan and Pakistan need to coexist then the previous has to recognise the Durand Line as a world border
Asked about his opinion on Pakistan’s relations with Afghanistan, Pakistani FM Qureshi says that if Afghanistan and Pakistan need to “move ahead as good neighbours and coexist, then the Durand Line should be recognized as an international border”.
When requested whether or not Pakistan has had discussions pertaining to this challenge with the Afghan Govt, the Pakistan minister, regardless of figuring out that Afghanistan thinks in any other case, says that there isn’t any room for dialogue as it’s a longtime incontrovertible fact that the Durand Line is the International border between the 2 neighbouring nations.
Pakistani FM Qureshi says that if Afghanistan and Pakistan need to transfer forward pretty much as good neighbors and coexist, then the Durand Line needs to be acknowledged as a world border. Watch the interview on TOLOnews, TOLO TV, & at 9pm (Kabul time) on Saturday.— TOLOnews (@TOLOnews) June 17, 2021
The Durand Line controversy
For the uninitiated, the Durand Line carved out in 1893 between British-ruled India and Afghanistan’s Amir Abdur Rahman Khan as an try to enhance relations and trade between the 2 nations, has all the time been a difficulty of battle between the 2 Islamic nations. Though Pakistan claims that Durand Line is a effectively established worldwide border, Afghanistan has by no means accepted it. Afghanistan claims a good portion of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan provinces in Pakistan based mostly on the truth that although they had been claimed by Pakistan on the time of its formation, nonetheless, they was part of Afghanistan and the ethnic teams of Balochs and Pashtuns have been partitioned.
Afghanistan had additionally demanded in 1947 that the Pashtuns needs to be given the precise of self-determination. The demand was ignored by each the British and Pakistan at the moment.
One declare that Afghanistan typically makes use of to claim its place over the Durand Line is that the border drawn by the British was legitimate for 100 years, and its validity has expired. Another declare that Afghanistan makes is that the legitimacy of the border ended with Pakistan’s formation because the settlement was between India and Afghanistan and never with Pakistan.