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Imran Khan hails Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, says ‘chains of psychological slavery damaged’

2 min read

On Monday (August 16), Pakistan PM Imran Khan prolonged his assist to the unconventional Islamist outfit Taliban, following their takeover of energy in neighbouring Afghanistan.
During the launch of the ‘Single National Curriculum’ in Islamabad, he justified the Taliban’s actions by claiming that the Afghan inhabitants had damaged the ‘chains of slavery’. He additionally remarked that ‘cultural imposition’ (by the United States) was tantamount to ‘mental slavery.’
While additional emphasising the ‘cultural aspect’, he commented, “When you adopt someone’s culture, you believe it to be superior and you end up becoming a slave to it.” He justified such ‘active slavery’ claiming {that a} psychological slave was worse, provided that his thoughts was subjugated and incapable of creating huge selections.
Imran Khan and his sympathies for Taliban
 In June 2013, when a US drone strike killed Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan’s deputy chief Waliur Rehman Mehsud, Khan stirred controversy by referring to him as ‘pro-peace’. Rahman carried a bounty of USD 5 million on his head and was accused of organising assaults in opposition to the US and Nato forces in Afghanistan. He was additionally wished in reference to a suicide assault on an American base in Afghanistan in 2009 that killed seven CIA brokers. Later, he had advised that the Pakistani Taliban ought to be allowed to ‘open an office’ in Pakistan to facilitate peace talks.
That’s not all. Imran Khan was additionally Taliban’s decide as peace discuss mediator with Nawaz Sharif authorities. In 2012 he had even stated that Taliban’s ‘holy war’ in Afghanistan is justified by Islamic regulation whereas visiting the hospital the place Malala Yusufzai was handled every week prior. Malala, then a schoolgirl, was shot within the head by the Taliban in Swat valley of Pakistan in October 2012 for writing in opposition to the atrocities of Taliban in Swat Valley of Pakistan. Imran Khan has proved repeatedly that he’s a terrorist sympathiser.
In July this yr, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan had described the Taliban as ‘normal civilians’ and conceded that it was not doable for the federal government to hunt them down. He had justified his assertion by claiming that there have been greater than 3 million Afghan refugees. He alleged, “Why don’t they give us evidence of this? When they say that Pakistan gave safe havens, sanctuaries to Taliban, where are these safe-havens? There are three million Afghan refugees in Pakistan. And Taliban are not some military outfit. They are normal civilians. And if there are some civilians in these camps, how is Pakistan supposed to hunt these people down? How can you call them sanctuaries?”