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Hundreds of Trump supporters flock to DC forward of congressional vote

3 min read

Hundreds of supporters of President Donald Trump descended on the nation’s capital Tuesday to cheer his baseless claims of election fraud a day earlier than a congressional vote to affirm Joe Biden’s victory.
Just blocks from the White House, protesters, many with out masks, gathered in Freedom Plaza to decry the vote within the Electoral College. As temperatures dropped to the low 40s and a gentle rain swept onto the streets, a whole lot remained within the plaza into dusk.
“I’m just here to support the president,” stated David Wideman, a 45-year-old firefighter who traveled from Memphis, Tennessee.
Wideman acknowledged he was “confused” by a string of losses from the president’s authorized staff of their try and overturn the outcomes of the election and didn’t know what choices Trump had left.
“I not sure what he can do at this point, but I want to hear what he has to say,” Wideman stated.

Trump tweeted his assist for the protesters: “Washington is being inundated with people who don’t want to see an election victory stolen by emboldened Radical Left Democrats. Our Country has had enough, they won’t take it anymore! We hear you (and love you) from the Oval Office. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”
The president was anticipated to personally tackle his supporters in Washington on Wednesday throughout a rally on the Ellipse, simply south of the White House. The protests coincide with Wednesday’s congressional vote anticipated to certify the Electoral College outcomes, which Trump continues to dispute.

The rallies had native officers and legislation enforcement bracing for potential violent avenue clashes. Many companies in downtown Washington boarded up their home windows, fearful that the protest may devolve into the unrest seen in May and June when dozens of companies have been vandalised.
District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser referred to as in National Guard troops to assist bolster town’s police power. She urged residents to keep away from downtown Washington and to keep away from confrontations with anybody who’s “looking for a fight.” But, she warned, “we will not allow people to incite violence, intimidate our residents or cause destruction in our city.”

Election officers from each political events, governors in key battleground states and Trump’s former lawyer normal, William Barr, have stated there was no widespread fraud within the election. Nearly all of the authorized challenges from Trump and his allies have been dismissed by judges, together with two challenges rejected by the Supreme Court.

A professional-Trump rally Dec 12 resulted in violence as a whole lot of Trump supporters, carrying the signature black and yellow of the Proud Boys, a far-right extremist group, sought out confrontations with a collective of native activists trying to bar them from Black Lives Matter Plaza, an space close to the White House. At least two native Black church buildings had Black Lives Matter banners torn down and set ablaze.

On Monday, police arrested the chief of the Proud Boys, Henry Enrique Tarrio, 36, after he arrived in Washington forward of this week’s protests. Tarrio was accused of burning one of many Black Lives Matter banners in December and was discovered with two high-capacity firearm magazines, police stated. A decide signed an order Tuesday banning Tarrio from getting into the District of Columbia, with very restricted exceptions associated to his felony case.