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Come for a ‘friendly’ go to, to not probe human rights allegations in Xinjiang: China to UNHRC chief

3 min read

China on Tuesday politely declined UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet”s name for a “meaningful access” to confirm the “serious” studies of human rights violations within the restive area of Xinjiang, saying she is welcome for a “friendly visit” however to not pursue a probe with “presumption of guilt”.
The US and the EU in addition to many different nations have accused China of committing genocide towards the minority Muslim Uygurs in Xinjiang and known as for a global probe by human rights teams.
In her handle to the forty seventh session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva on Monday, Bachelet mentioned, “I continue to discuss with China modalities for a visit, including meaningful access, to the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, and hope this can be achieved this year, particularly as reports of serious human rights violations continue to emerge.”
China has been vehemently refuting allegations of interning hundreds of thousands of Uygurs in mass detention camps, which had been formally termed as schooling camps, in a bid to wean them away from non secular extremism.
Asked for his response to Bachelet’s remarks, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian advised a media briefing right here that the remarks made by the chief of the highest UN human rights physique on Xinjiang-related points “runs counter to facts”.

“We welcome the High Commissioner to return to China to go to Xinjiang. We have lengthy issued an invite to the High Commissioner to return to China for a go to to Xinjiang and we’re in communication on this concern.
“This visit should be a friendly visit with the aim of promoting bilateral exchanges and cooperation rather than to pursue a so-called investigation with the presumption of guilt”, Zhao mentioned.
“We firmly oppose any attempt by anyone to seek political manipulation by using this issue and to exert pressure on China,” he mentioned.
Without instantly naming the US and EU, that are urgent for a probe into the allegations of genocide towards Muslim Uygurs in Xinjiang, Zhao mentioned some nations are spreading “lies and misinformation” on Xinjiang to smear China and comprise China’s growth.
“Their attempts are only doomed to fail,” he mentioned.
China accuses East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), which is entrenched in Uighur Muslim-majority province of Xinjiang province, of being accountable for quite a few violent assaults within the province and outdoors, together with one on the Forbidden City in Beijing in 2013, killing a number of folks.
It had sharply criticised the US for delisting the Xinjiang’s separatist militant outfit from its listing of terrorist organisations final 12 months, saying it mirrored Washington’s ”double requirements” on combating international terrorism.
Bachelet, in her remarks to the Council, had additionally sharply criticised China’s crackdown in Hong Kong after imposing the National Security Law to take management of the previous British colony.
“It has now been a year since the adoption of the National Security Law in Hong Kong SAR (Special Administrative Region), on which my Office has expressed serious concerns,” she mentioned.
“We have been closely monitoring its application and the chilling impact it has had on the civic and democratic space, as well as independent media,” Bachelet mentioned in an obvious reference to the police crackdown on journalists, specifically on the unbiased media home Apple Daily whose editor and different employees confronted prosecution.

She underlined that since July 1 final 12 months, 107 folks have been arrested below the National Security Law and 57 have been formally charged, with the primary case coming to trial later this week.
“This will be an important test of independence for Hong Kong’s judiciary in its willingness to uphold Hong Kong’s obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, in accordance with the basic law,” Bachelet mentioned