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With vigilance and caution, shops in the state will now open 6 days a week: Shri Bhupesh Baghel:

3 min read

Discussion was held at a high level meeting today under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel to revive economic activities stalled after control and lock-down of Kovid-19 in the state. All the ministers and senior state government officials attended the meeting. In the meeting held at the Chief Minister’s residence, measures were made to provide employment to the migrant laborers returned from various states and to give relief to all sections of the society. In view of the problems of the people, the Tehsildar will now allow the matrimonial program. The permitting process is being simplified and made easier. There will be no relaxation in Red Zone and Containment Area. According to the guide line issued by the Government of India, the ban on goods, cinema houses, political meetings, social programs will continue as before.

In the meeting, it was decided to open the shops now six days a week. Physical distance restrictions will continue to be applicable in all shops and markets. The opening of the shop six days a week will provide relief from the simultaneous crowd. With the commencement of business-to-business activities, the economy will also gain momentum along with employment. The meeting also considered measures to start more and more industries. After the lock-down, work has started again in 1371 factories in the state. One lakh three thousand workers have returned to work in these factories.
    Chief Minister Mr. Baghel directed to arrange television, radio etc. for the entertainment of migrant laborers living in quarantine centers in the meeting. He has also asked for the services of psychologists to provide psychological counseling to the workers. The Chief Minister also directed to conduct yoga or other motivational activities in Quarantine centers through non-governmental organizations. He also suggested to maintain a systematic day-long routine to reduce stress and ensure adherence to it. The Chief Minister said in the meeting that the workers coming back to the state need to be freed from the worry of ration and employment. For this, their ration cards and MNREGA job cards should be made immediately. A list of skilled and semi-skilled workers should be prepared and made available to local industries. This will provide regular employment to the workers along with providing necessary human resources to the industries.
    The Chief Minister said that good work has been done in Chhattisgarh to provide relief to the lives of people under the control and lock-down of Kovid-19. All the departments working with better coordination have reached out to the needy people. With better management of Kovid-19 in urban areas, the governance-administration has worked vigorously to make people aware in every village. He said that whatever amount would be required for the investigation, treatment and prevention of corona virus would be made available to the health department on priority.
    It was informed in the meeting that so far two lakh 12 thousand migrant workers have been brought back to the state. So far 53 labor special trains have arrived and 68 are proposed. 18 crore 20 lakhs from the State Disaster Fund to the District Collectors and about four crore rupees have been provided by the State Government to help the laborers trapped in trouble. 66 lakh 73 thousand rupees have also been paid in the bank accounts of migrant workers residing in various states. The Health Department has also been given Rs 75 crore from the State Disaster Fund.
    Agriculture Minister Shri Ravindra Chaubey, Home Minister Shri Tamradhwaj Sahu, Health Minister Shri T.S. Singhdev, Forest Minister Mr. Mohammad Akbar, Cooperative Minister Mr. Premasai Singh Tekam, Food Minister Mr. Amarjeet Singh Bhagat, Women and Child Development Minister Mrs. Anila Bhendia, Labor Minister Dr. Shiv Kumar Dahria, Revenue Minister Mr. Jaisingh Agrawal, Industries Minister Mr. Kawasi Lakha, Public Health Engineering Minister Guru Rudrakumar, Chief Secretary Shri R.P. The Board, Additional Chief Secretary Chief Minister Mr. Subrata Sahu, Health Secretary Mrs. Niharika Barik Singh, Food Secretary Dr. Kamalpreet Singh, Social Welfare Department Secretary Mr. Prasanna R., Deputy Secretary in Chief Minister Secretariat Ms. Soumya Chaurasia and senior officers were present.