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Raipur: Profit of one lakh in a year from fisheries

1 min read

Tribal farmers residing in remote areas of the state are becoming self-sufficient by rearing fish. Farmer Mr. Manoj Tirkey of village Kanamora in Jashpur district has reaped the benefits of one lakh rupees a year by rearing fish in his own pond. Mr. Tirkey is meeting all the needs of his family with the funds received from fisheries. Now they are having a good life happily with the family. Mr. Manoj Tirkey is also encouraging other farmers around him to get more benefits by adopting fish farming.

   Mr. Manoj Tirkey says that he released the improved variety of fish seed obtained from Fisheries Department Jashpur in the private pond having 0.400 hectare water area of ​​his own. Adding necessary nutritious food to the pond led to a rapid increase of fish. Currently 500 kg of fish have been extracted from this pond. He has received under the Convergence of District Mineral Trust Fund by Fisheries Department Jashpur under Nets and Cephex grant. Mr. Tirkey also informed that the fishery department is giving fishery beach, fish meal, fishing equipment and ice box and net to the farmers. Along with this, information is being given about modern techniques of fisheries from time to time. Farmer Mr. Tirkey thanked the Government of Chhattisgarh and the District Administration for their financial gain of one lakh rupees from the sale of fish.