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Chief Minister and Home Minister pay courteous tribute to martyrs in naxal attack

1 min read

Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel, Home Minister Mr. Tamradhwaj Sahu, Industry Ministry Mr. Kawasi Lakhma, MLA Mr. Mohan Markam, Senior Security Advisor Union Home Ministry Mr. Vijay Kumar and Director General of Police Mr. DM Awasthi today paid courteous tribute to the martyr personnel of Sukma Naxal Attack, in Sukma Police Line.
Chief Minister said that we are proud of our security personnel’s bravery. Our brave security personnel sacrificed their lives while braving the naxal attack. Their sacrifice will not go in vain. Mr. Baghel saluted the courage of these personnel and said that State Government is with the families of these martyrs in this difficult time.