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Big relief to common people as registry of small plots becomes easier : More than one lakh registry done in six months, Rs 605 crore collected as revenue

2 min read

30% reduction in registry fee and withdrawal of ban on registry of small plots has helped middle-class families to realize their dream of own house

Chhattisgarh Government has allowed registry of plots of 5 decimil and less and has also reduced registry fee by 30%, bringing major relief to common people. Between January 1 and September 30, 2019, total 71 thousand 682 small plots have been registered in Chhattisgarh. Whereas from April to September 2019, more than registry of one lakh 20 thousand plots has been done, and as a result State Government has collected Rs 605 crore 90 lakh as revenue.

Because of the ban of registry of small plots, middle class families were unable to purchase land plots or build house on their own land. After State Government lifted the ban on registry of small plots, number of registry done in six months has crossed one lakh. Based on the online registry record, the number of registries done this year is 26% more than last year and revenue collecion has also increased by 33% this year. According to the records of Revenue Department, last year between April 2018 and September 2018, total 95 thousand 520 people had got their documents registered and meanwhile, Rs 454 crore 98 was collected as revenue. Maximum number of registry was done in Raipur and Bilaspur districts. Between April 2018 and September 2018, 15 thousand 391 registries were done in Raipur district and 8680 in Bilaspur, whereas betwwen April 2019 and September 2019, 22 thousand 501 people have done registry of their plots in Raipur district, which is 46% more compared to last year. Likewise, this year 13 thousand 434 people have got registry of their lands done in the same span of six months, which is 55% more than previous year.