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ABP Shikhar Sammelan: ‘Will Not Implement NRC In Chhattisgarh,’ Says CM Bhupesh Baghel

2 min read

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, on Tuesday, said that he is against the implementation of the National Register for Citizen (NRC) in the state, even if the Centre imposes it nationwide.

Speaking to ABP News in its flagship summit Shikhar Sammelan, Baghel, said “I announce that I will not sign the papers if they try to implement the NRC across the nation.”

When asked how the state will deny implementing the law which falls under the Central legislation, Baghel said that the law is against the core values of the Constitution. “Those who will not be able to prove their citizenship, where will they go?”

“The entire country, specially the North-East is burning after the Citizenship Amendment Act has come into existence,” Baghel said, slamming the contentious law which was passed by the Parliament last week.

“The government is not bothered where will those people who will not be able to prove their citizenship go, if they are forced to leave,” he said.

“The government will tell those who cannot prove their citizenship that they are not Indian citizens. But who will tell them which country’s citizen they actually are and where are they supposed to go,” Baghel said.

“You will have to state which country they belong to. Give a list of those who are not proved Indian, to the countries you think they’re from. If they are from Bangladesh, tell Bangladesh. They will take their citizens,” said the CM who recently completed one year of his government.

“On the basis of majority, one cannot alter the fundamental values of the Constitution,” he said.

He said that even the Congress party introduced Aadhar card, but it never led to any controversy, but when they (BJP) introduced NRC, entire country erupted.

When asked about the Ayodhya issue, Baghel said that the issue was resolved by Supreme Court’s verdict and not by the government.