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YC march towards ‘back-door appointments’ turns violent

1 min read

By Express News Service
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The march taken out by Youth Congress activists to the Secretariat in protest towards the back-door appointments in state authorities providers turned violent on Tuesday.A employee was injured when the police used water cannons and tear gasoline to disperse the protesters. He was admitted to basic hospital. The march reached the Secretariat entrance (north gate) round 1pm. The protestors raised slogans towards the federal government’s alleged appointments by ignoring the Kerala Public Service Commission rank lists. 

MLAs Shafi Parambil, Ok S Sabarinadhan and V T Balram addressed the protesters. After this, the protesters began pushing the police barricades. The police then used water cannons twice and lobbed tear gasoline shells.  However, the employees didn’t budge. The protestors additionally blocked MG highway by staging a sit-in. Later, senior law enforcement officials intervened and dispersed the protesters round 2pm.