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No one might be 100% communist: Minister Okay Radhakrishnan 

23 min read

By Express News Service

Minister Radhakrishnan takes questions from TNIE on ethical degeneracy in politics, allegations of communists ‘looting’ income from Hindu temples, casteism in Kerala society, and extra.

Edited excerpts:

Party staff in Thrissur say you might be one of the vital well mannered and unambitious leaders…

I used to be introduced up like that from my childhood. I don’t have any greed for something. I’m glad with no matter I’ve been supplied with. That is my nature.

Some say you’re a “true communist’’, whereas some others say you’re a “communist with readability’’…. People most likely distinguish you want this as a result of these are uncommon qualities lately…

No one might be 100% communist. There is not any higher ideology on the earth than communism. It is an idea a couple of world order the place each human being is equal and leads a greater life, the place everyone seems to be self-sufficient and lives independently. It is a couple of society the place there isn’t any exploitation. It will take time to realize that purpose. That is my thought.

There is a standard notion in society that communists ought to lead a easy life. Many nonetheless imagine communists shouldn’t transcend kattanchaya and parippuvada (black tea and dal vada)…

(Smiles) In the Thirties, most Keralites had just one pair of garment. Now the scenario has modified. Communists, too, have modified in response to time. It is a sadistic thought that communists ought to have solely kattanchaya and parippuvada. Words and deeds needs to be the identical; that’s necessary.

What impressed you to grow to be a communist?

My household believed in communism. We lived in an period of inequality and exploitation. The communist social gathering fought towards social evils and, naturally, we have been impressed by the motion. The ideology modified the world order.

Did the communist motion in India fail to adapt to modifications? The protests towards computer systems and tractors had created such an impression…

The social system has modified over time. It isn’t the identical as earlier than. The management might need opposed it contemplating the issues of the bulk over job safety. It might need been the suitable perspective at the moment. When we glance again, we might realise that there have been faults. We appropriate and transfer on.

After the LDF bought the second consecutive time period, individuals have been becoming a member of the social gathering in giant numbers. But there may be criticism that a few of them are becoming a member of CPM for private good points. What are your views?

People who be a part of the social gathering for private good points might depart the social gathering as soon as their necessities are met. But people who find themselves attracted by ideology will keep on.

Is the social gathering conscious of those penalties?

The social gathering is conscious of all developments. At each level, it has been reiterated that these committing errors is not going to have any house within the social gathering. We can transfer forward solely by these corrections. We dwell in a society the place values are degenerating.

Has this degeneracy affected the social gathering, too?

No. If comparable degeneration of values happens inside the social gathering, then there isn’t any social gathering. The social gathering has all the time stood as a guiding gentle in making our society a progressive one.

That was the case earlier… the communist social gathering was once one or two steps forward of society. But now, one will get to see a celebration strolling together with society…

There could also be some errors, however the social gathering could be very cautious. Whenever there are deviations, we make course corrections, i d e o l o g i c a l l y a n d organisationally.

SFI is within the information lately for the mistaken causes. Is it a mirrored image of decadence?

Recently, an individual often known as Thoppi, a YouTuber, got here up. What has this boy accomplished for society? Why did an enormous crowd of youth spontaneously collect in a spot to see him? The large crowd, principally college students, gathered on the occasion. Those who be a part of SFI additionally come from such crowds.

How will the social gathering look to beat this problem?

We have determined to intervene actively.

So , will there be rectification?

Yes, actually. We will provoke needed course corrections.

Did the back-to-back election victories trigger a stoop? No. However, it’s attainable that many opportunists may attempt to make the most of it. But we’re ready on the way to cope with such points.

Why is the social gathering displaying intolerance to criticism? Party leaders, too, are people. You all should perceive that (laughs). If you are taking a single sentence out of context and flow into that, it could not look good.

You have been a part of this authorities for over two years. What are the choices which have given you satisfaction?

The very very first thing this authorities determined, within the first cabinet, was to make Kerala a destitute-free state. We desire a state the place not a single human is hungry. As an individual who has skilled starvation, that’s one choice that has made me very blissful.

In your division?

There is a particular focus to convey tribal college students to the forefront by means of correct digitisation. By December 31, all tribal areas in Kerala can have web connectivity. Another challenge that the educated kids from tribal areas confronted was lack of employment. We have created job alternatives for them. For instance, 500 accredited engineers have been employed, of which 300 have been from SC and 200 from ST. We have additionally helped college students who aspired to grow to be air hostesses.

There will not be many MBBS aspirants from the marginalised sections as a result of they can’t afford the bills for entrance teaching…

It took 50 years for Attappadi to get its first MBBS physician. With the introduction of mannequin residential faculties (MRS) extra college students from ST and SC communities are getting admissions to MBBS programs. Now Attappadi has six MBBS college students, whereas from the Punnappra MRS, 5 college students secured MBBS admissions, and one bought admission within the BDS course.

You had stated concerning the poverty survey for figuring out the extraordinarily poor throughout the state. Of this, are the bulk from SC and ST communities?

No, solely one-fourth of the households are from these communities. Of the 64,006 recognized as extraordinarily poor, solely about 15,000 are from sections corresponding to dalits and adivasis. And, of this, round 12,000 are from the SC communities and about 3,000 from the tribes.

Attappadi is usually within the information for mistaken causes – toddler deaths, malnutrition, and so on. It appears as if Attappadi isn’t a part of Kerala…

Compare the toddler mortality fee of the state with that of Attappadi. There isn’t a lot distinction. But the loss of life of an toddler within the Attappadi tribal hamlet has extra information worth than every other loss of life. Premature deliveries occur in different sections of society, too. But when it occurs in Attappadi, it turns into information.

But malnutrition is a actuality, isn’t it?

There are 192 tribal hamlets in Attappadi and, of those, 185 have group kitchens. These kitchens provide nutritious meals. At least 182 anganwadis are additionally functioning within the space; in addition they distribute nutritious meals. The civil provides division offers 30kg of rice, 5kg of wheat, pulses and oil to the households. Furthermore, if a lady turns into pregnant, a month-to-month allowance of Rs 2,000 is given from third month of being pregnant to 18 months after supply. Then how can there be malnutrition?

You have stated that empowerment is extra necessary than reservation to uplift the SC/ ST group. Can you clarify this?

We have sponsored 425 college students for international schooling prior to now 19 months. Among them 375 belong to Scheduled Castes, 26 college students belong to Scheduled Tribes, and the remainder are from backward courses. We are encouraging them to pursue international schooling as a part of the federal government initiative to empower them. There is not any readability on how lengthy the reservation in schooling will proceed. So we’ve to make them selfreliant.

You as soon as stated brahminism is a mindset, and that hierarchies are there even amongst tribals…

Yes. There is caste discrimination among the many tribal individuals. There are Brahmins, Kshatriyas and different divisions amongst them, too. Indian casteism is way deeper than what we see. It was created by individuals who have been very, very clever.

So far, just one Dalit chief has discovered a spot within the CPM Polit Bureau. That, too, very not too long ago… Is there discrimination inside CPM too?

We will not be for tokenism. To create hype, individuals from the Dalit group got the chair of the President of India. There was Okay R Narayanan, Ram Nath Kovind and now [Droupadi] Murmu. But has this improved the lot of dalits and tribals? Emancipation of dalits is not going to occur by means of such tokenisms.

In public locations, Malayalis don’t exhibit caste consciousness. But, in actuality, it appears to be deep-rooted. What are your views?

Yes. They will not be simply caste aware; they’re additionally propelled by the consciousness of discrimination. This discrimination might be discovered in all places. That is why there are honour killings, because it occurred in Kottayam (Kevin homicide case).

There is a notion that CPM did not develop past Bengal and Kerala as a result of the social gathering failed to know caste. Do you agree?

The communist social gathering began its work within the Twenties, when the caste system was at its peak. The social gathering didn’t act with out understanding the caste. That was the suitable view. The social gathering labored to resolve the issues of society.

The communist social gathering has all the time claimed to work for the uplift of the underprivileged courses, nevertheless it has been an enemy of Ambedkarites. Why?

We are working with Ambedkarites. We not too long ago carried out an all-India marketing campaign by becoming a member of fingers with them.

But in Kerala, Amedkarites view CPM as an enemy…

There are only a few Ambedkarites in Kerala. It is a state the place Dr Ambedkar’s ideologies are applied higher than what’s written. So they don’t have a lot at stake.

During her go to to Kerala, former Supreme Court decide Indu Malhotra had alleged that the communists have been making an attempt to take over temples with a watch on the income. What is the true story?

The state authorities doesn’t take a single paisa from temples. Instead, we’ve offered Rs 458 crore as help to temples over the previous 5 years. We are offering Rs 30 crore per yr for Sabarimala temple. The authorities offers funds for infrastructure growth at temples. Over the previous few years, we offered funds for distribution of wage, pension and to fulfill temple administration bills. Still, they allege that we’re looting the temples.

What do you do with the income generated by temples like Sabarimala?

The funds are used solely for the working of temples.

The BJP alleges that church buildings and mosques are allowed to operate freely, whereas the federal government controls temples…

The temples have been run by the federal government even earlier than the formation of the state. The temples administered by the princely states have been handed over to the state in 1956. Then, some temples are taken over as per the request from the general public. The Parthasarathy temple in Guruvayur which was taken over by Malabar Devaswom had an revenue of lower than Rs 1 lakh. But the revenue went as much as Rs 6 lakh a month after the takeover.

Another query that’s usually raised is why atheists are dealing with the administration of temples…

I’m not dealing with the administration of temples straight. I’m solely offering them the amenities. I’m not straight concerned in administration. You can examine the initiatives applied by the federal government for growth of temples through the previous two years. We have constructed compound partitions and renovated temples and ponds. Has this occurred when the temples have been administered by the socalled devotees?

There are complaints that the devaswom boards will not be allowed to conduct even Bhagavad Gita courses on temple premises…

Some need to use such courses as a medium to additional their political agenda. That can’t be allowed.

But is it mistaken for the Hindus to review Ramayana or Bhagavad Gita within the temples if the Christians can examine the Bible of their church buildings and the Muslims can study the Quran of their mosques?

We are offering a unique place for that objective. In the case of the non-public temples, we’re not interfering within the actions that they’re indulging in. Vedpadasalas and kshethra kalapeedam are there.

It might be seen that the move of devotees to temples having non-Brahmin monks is low. Why?

That’s due to the preconceived notion that the pujas accomplished by the Brahmins are one of the best. There is hesitation in accepting monks from the backward communities.

There is one other accusation that just about all the upper positions within the devaswom boards are occupied by these from the upper-caste Hindus.

Well, who held the executive reins of the temples? It has been the higher castes. Reservation got here solely not too long ago. Hence, the imbalance.

Entry of ladies into the Sabarimala shrine had created fairly a headache for the CPM. Do you suppose the difficulty was the rationale for LDF’s rout within the 2019 elections?

Not in any respect. The cause for our loss was one thing else. At that point, there was a robust feeling in Kerala that there needs to be a regime change on the Centre. The outcomes have been principally a mirrored image of that thought.

If that was the case, why didn’t you go forward with the entry of ladies of menstruating age to Sabarimala?

As a political social gathering, we’ve our personal views on this challenge. However, our stance was that we’d abide by the court docket’s verdict.

But was there not an undue haste on the a part of the federal government to implement the order?

If you recollect, the BJP, the Congress and the RSS have been all in favour of the decision. The scenario modified after a few days. The AICC had described the decision as a ‘historical judgment’. The BJP and RSS, too, supported the decision. Later, after they realised that the difficulty might be politically used, they got here out with the protests.

But why didn’t the CPM realise the political technique of the opponents?

If we had not taken a impartial stance, we’d have confronted issues. A piece would have criticised that the so-called progressive authorities run by communists weren’t permitting girls’s entry regardless of the decision being welcomed by the Congress and BJP.

But it could not have resulted within the lack of 19 out of 20 Lok Sabha seats…

That was not the rationale. As I discussed earlier, the voters have been considering alongside the nationwide context.

You have been a part of the 1996 LDF authorities together with Pinarayi Vijayan. There is an allegation that you’ve got been given the comparatively much less necessary portfolio regardless of your seniority.

First of all, I don’t agree that it’s a much less necessary portfolio. How can a division that’s meant to uplift the poorest sections of society be thought-about an unimportant portfolio?

But there are different highprofile portfolios corresponding to finance, tourism, and so on…

People like you shouldn’t say this. There is a vested curiosity in projecting some portfolios nearly as good and others are dangerous. I might say the duty of making certain the welfare of the poorest in our society is crucial portfolio.

Coming again to our first query of you being a ‘unique communist’…. Let me make clear…

I’m not distinctive in any respect…

But many individuals suppose so most likely since you by no means have been part of teams within the social gathering, or had a godfather…

I imagine in an ideology that works for equality and good for all… that’s communism. I’m somebody who has confronted all kinds of discrimination in my life. All these experiences might have made me aware and satisfied about my paths.

Minister Radhakrishnan takes questions from TNIE on ethical degeneracy in politics, allegations of communists ‘looting’ income from Hindu temples, casteism in Kerala society, and extra.

Edited excerpts:

Party staff in Thrissur say you might be one of the vital well mannered and unambitious leaders…googletag.cmd.push(operate()‘div-gpt-ad-8052921-2’); );

I used to be introduced up like that from my childhood. I don’t have any greed for something. I’m glad with no matter I’ve been supplied with. That is my nature.

Some say you’re a “true communist’’, whereas some others say you’re a “communist with readability’’…. People most likely distinguish you want this as a result of these are uncommon qualities lately…

No one might be 100% communist. There is not any higher ideology on the earth than communism. It is an idea a couple of world order the place each human being is equal and leads a greater life, the place everyone seems to be self-sufficient and lives independently. It is a couple of society the place there isn’t any exploitation. It will take time to realize that purpose. That is my thought.

There is a standard notion in society that communists ought to lead a easy life. Many nonetheless imagine communists shouldn’t transcend kattanchaya and parippuvada (black tea and dal vada)…

(Smiles) In the Thirties, most Keralites had just one pair of garment. Now the scenario has modified. Communists, too, have modified in response to time. It is a sadistic thought that communists ought to have solely kattanchaya and parippuvada. Words and deeds needs to be the identical; that’s necessary.

What impressed you to grow to be a communist?

My household believed in communism. We lived in an period of inequality and exploitation. The communist social gathering fought towards social evils and, naturally, we have been impressed by the motion. The ideology modified the world order.

Did the communist motion in India fail to adapt to modifications? The protests towards computer systems and tractors had created such an impression…

The social system has modified over time. It isn’t the identical as earlier than. The management might need opposed it contemplating the issues of the bulk over job safety. It might need been the suitable perspective at the moment. When we glance again, we might realise that there have been faults. We appropriate and transfer on.

After the LDF bought the second consecutive time period, individuals have been becoming a member of the social gathering in giant numbers. But there may be criticism that a few of them are becoming a member of CPM for private good points. What are your views?

People who be a part of the social gathering for private good points might depart the social gathering as soon as their necessities are met. But people who find themselves attracted by ideology will keep on.

Is the social gathering conscious of those penalties?

The social gathering is conscious of all developments. At each level, it has been reiterated that these committing errors is not going to have any house within the social gathering. We can transfer forward solely by these corrections. We dwell in a society the place values are degenerating.

Has this degeneracy affected the social gathering, too?

No. If comparable degeneration of values happens inside the social gathering, then there isn’t any social gathering. The social gathering has all the time stood as a guiding gentle in making our society a progressive one.

That was the case earlier… the communist social gathering was once one or two steps forward of society. But now, one will get to see a celebration strolling together with society…

There could also be some errors, however the social gathering could be very cautious. Whenever there are deviations, we make course corrections, i d e o l o g i c a l l y a n d organisationally.

SFI is within the information lately for the mistaken causes. Is it a mirrored image of decadence?

Recently, an individual often known as Thoppi, a YouTuber, got here up. What has this boy accomplished for society? Why did an enormous crowd of youth spontaneously collect in a spot to see him? The large crowd, principally college students, gathered on the occasion. Those who be a part of SFI additionally come from such crowds.

How will the social gathering look to beat this problem?

We have determined to intervene actively.

So , will there be rectification?

Yes, actually. We will provoke needed course corrections.

Did the back-to-back election victories trigger a stoop? No. However, it’s attainable that many opportunists may attempt to make the most of it. But we’re ready on the way to cope with such points.

Why is the social gathering displaying intolerance to criticism? Party leaders, too, are people. You all should perceive that (laughs). If you are taking a single sentence out of context and flow into that, it could not look good.

You have been a part of this authorities for over two years. What are the choices which have given you satisfaction?

The very very first thing this authorities determined, within the first cabinet, was to make Kerala a destitute-free state. We desire a state the place not a single human is hungry. As an individual who has skilled starvation, that’s one choice that has made me very blissful.

In your division?

There is a particular focus to convey tribal college students to the forefront by means of correct digitisation. By December 31, all tribal areas in Kerala can have web connectivity. Another challenge that the educated kids from tribal areas confronted was lack of employment. We have created job alternatives for them. For instance, 500 accredited engineers have been employed, of which 300 have been from SC and 200 from ST. We have additionally helped college students who aspired to grow to be air hostesses.

There will not be many MBBS aspirants from the marginalised sections as a result of they can’t afford the bills for entrance teaching…

It took 50 years for Attappadi to get its first MBBS physician. With the introduction of mannequin residential faculties (MRS) extra college students from ST and SC communities are getting admissions to MBBS programs. Now Attappadi has six MBBS college students, whereas from the Punnappra MRS, 5 college students secured MBBS admissions, and one bought admission within the BDS course.

You had stated concerning the poverty survey for figuring out the extraordinarily poor throughout the state. Of this, are the bulk from SC and ST communities?

No, solely one-fourth of the households are from these communities. Of the 64,006 recognized as extraordinarily poor, solely about 15,000 are from sections corresponding to dalits and adivasis. And, of this, round 12,000 are from the SC communities and about 3,000 from the tribes.

Attappadi is usually within the information for mistaken causes – toddler deaths, malnutrition, and so on. It appears as if Attappadi isn’t a part of Kerala…

Compare the toddler mortality fee of the state with that of Attappadi. There isn’t a lot distinction. But the loss of life of an toddler within the Attappadi tribal hamlet has extra information worth than every other loss of life. Premature deliveries occur in different sections of society, too. But when it occurs in Attappadi, it turns into information.

But malnutrition is a actuality, isn’t it?

There are 192 tribal hamlets in Attappadi and, of those, 185 have group kitchens. These kitchens provide nutritious meals. At least 182 anganwadis are additionally functioning within the space; in addition they distribute nutritious meals. The civil provides division offers 30kg of rice, 5kg of wheat, pulses and oil to the households. Furthermore, if a lady turns into pregnant, a month-to-month allowance of Rs 2,000 is given from third month of being pregnant to 18 months after supply. Then how can there be malnutrition?

You have stated that empowerment is extra necessary than reservation to uplift the SC/ ST group. Can you clarify this?

We have sponsored 425 college students for international schooling prior to now 19 months. Among them 375 belong to Scheduled Castes, 26 college students belong to Scheduled Tribes, and the remainder are from backward courses. We are encouraging them to pursue international schooling as a part of the federal government initiative to empower them. There is not any readability on how lengthy the reservation in schooling will proceed. So we’ve to make them selfreliant.

You as soon as stated brahminism is a mindset, and that hierarchies are there even amongst tribals…

Yes. There is caste discrimination among the many tribal individuals. There are Brahmins, Kshatriyas and different divisions amongst them, too. Indian casteism is way deeper than what we see. It was created by individuals who have been very, very clever.

So far, just one Dalit chief has discovered a spot within the CPM Polit Bureau. That, too, very not too long ago… Is there discrimination inside CPM too?

We will not be for tokenism. To create hype, individuals from the Dalit group got the chair of the President of India. There was Okay R Narayanan, Ram Nath Kovind and now [Droupadi] Murmu. But has this improved the lot of dalits and tribals? Emancipation of dalits is not going to occur by means of such tokenisms.

In public locations, Malayalis don’t exhibit caste consciousness. But, in actuality, it appears to be deep-rooted. What are your views?

Yes. They will not be simply caste aware; they’re additionally propelled by the consciousness of discrimination. This discrimination might be discovered in all places. That is why there are honour killings, because it occurred in Kottayam (Kevin homicide case).

There is a notion that CPM did not develop past Bengal and Kerala as a result of the social gathering failed to know caste. Do you agree?

The communist social gathering began its work within the Twenties, when the caste system was at its peak. The social gathering didn’t act with out understanding the caste. That was the suitable view. The social gathering labored to resolve the issues of society.

The communist social gathering has all the time claimed to work for the uplift of the underprivileged courses, nevertheless it has been an enemy of Ambedkarites. Why?

We are working with Ambedkarites. We not too long ago carried out an all-India marketing campaign by becoming a member of fingers with them.

But in Kerala, Amedkarites view CPM as an enemy…

There are only a few Ambedkarites in Kerala. It is a state the place Dr Ambedkar’s ideologies are applied higher than what’s written. So they don’t have a lot at stake.

During her go to to Kerala, former Supreme Court decide Indu Malhotra had alleged that the communists have been making an attempt to take over temples with a watch on the income. What is the true story?

The state authorities doesn’t take a single paisa from temples. Instead, we’ve offered Rs 458 crore as help to temples over the previous 5 years. We are offering Rs 30 crore per yr for Sabarimala temple. The authorities offers funds for infrastructure growth at temples. Over the previous few years, we offered funds for distribution of wage, pension and to fulfill temple administration bills. Still, they allege that we’re looting the temples.

What do you do with the income generated by temples like Sabarimala?

The funds are used solely for the working of temples.

The BJP alleges that church buildings and mosques are allowed to operate freely, whereas the federal government controls temples…

The temples have been run by the federal government even earlier than the formation of the state. The temples administered by the princely states have been handed over to the state in 1956. Then, some temples are taken over as per the request from the general public. The Parthasarathy temple in Guruvayur which was taken over by Malabar Devaswom had an revenue of lower than Rs 1 lakh. But the revenue went as much as Rs 6 lakh a month after the takeover.

Another query that’s usually raised is why atheists are dealing with the administration of temples…

I’m not dealing with the administration of temples straight. I’m solely offering them the amenities. I’m not straight concerned in administration. You can examine the initiatives applied by the federal government for growth of temples through the previous two years. We have constructed compound partitions and renovated temples and ponds. Has this occurred when the temples have been administered by the socalled devotees?

There are complaints that the devaswom boards will not be allowed to conduct even Bhagavad Gita courses on temple premises…

Some need to use such courses as a medium to additional their political agenda. That can’t be allowed.

But is it mistaken for the Hindus to review Ramayana or Bhagavad Gita within the temples if the Christians can examine the Bible of their church buildings and the Muslims can study the Quran of their mosques?

We are offering a unique place for that objective. In the case of the non-public temples, we’re not interfering within the actions that they’re indulging in. Vedpadasalas and kshethra kalapeedam are there.

It might be seen that the move of devotees to temples having non-Brahmin monks is low. Why?

That’s due to the preconceived notion that the pujas accomplished by the Brahmins are one of the best. There is hesitation in accepting monks from the backward communities.

There is one other accusation that just about all the upper positions within the devaswom boards are occupied by these from the upper-caste Hindus.

Well, who held the executive reins of the temples? It has been the higher castes. Reservation got here solely not too long ago. Hence, the imbalance.

Entry of ladies into the Sabarimala shrine had created fairly a headache for the CPM. Do you suppose the difficulty was the rationale for LDF’s rout within the 2019 elections?

Not in any respect. The cause for our loss was one thing else. At that point, there was a robust feeling in Kerala that there needs to be a regime change on the Centre. The outcomes have been principally a mirrored image of that thought.

If that was the case, why didn’t you go forward with the entry of ladies of menstruating age to Sabarimala?

As a political social gathering, we’ve our personal views on this challenge. However, our stance was that we’d abide by the court docket’s verdict.

But was there not an undue haste on the a part of the federal government to implement the order?

If you recollect, the BJP, the Congress and the RSS have been all in favour of the decision. The scenario modified after a few days. The AICC had described the decision as a ‘historical judgment’. The BJP and RSS, too, supported the decision. Later, after they realised that the difficulty might be politically used, they got here out with the protests.

But why didn’t the CPM realise the political technique of the opponents?

If we had not taken a impartial stance, we’d have confronted issues. A piece would have criticised that the so-called progressive authorities run by communists weren’t permitting girls’s entry regardless of the decision being welcomed by the Congress and BJP.

But it could not have resulted within the lack of 19 out of 20 Lok Sabha seats…

That was not the rationale. As I discussed earlier, the voters have been considering alongside the nationwide context.

You have been a part of the 1996 LDF authorities together with Pinarayi Vijayan. There is an allegation that you’ve got been given the comparatively much less necessary portfolio regardless of your seniority.

First of all, I don’t agree that it’s a much less necessary portfolio. How can a division that’s meant to uplift the poorest sections of society be thought-about an unimportant portfolio?

But there are different highprofile portfolios corresponding to finance, tourism, and so on…

People like you shouldn’t say this. There is a vested curiosity in projecting some portfolios nearly as good and others are dangerous. I might say the duty of making certain the welfare of the poorest in our society is crucial portfolio.

Coming again to our first query of you being a ‘unique communist’…. Let me make clear…

I’m not distinctive in any respect…

But many individuals suppose so most likely since you by no means have been part of teams within the social gathering, or had a godfather…

I imagine in an ideology that works for equality and good for all… that’s communism. I’m somebody who has confronted all kinds of discrimination in my life. All these experiences might have made me aware and satisfied about my paths.